An Impossible Decision.

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Hello my lovelies,

Never in my days did I think this would take more than 12 months to be updated!!! I am so, so very sorry for all of you that have waited patiently for me to pull my head out of my ass.

The last 12 months have been an absolute rollercoaster, I lost my best friend and my sanity, which has been followed by disaster after disaster. I've definitely lost my way, the good news now is that things are on the mend and authonim is trying. I really hope that this update is everything you want, and I'm excited to hear what you think of this.

You all deserve medals for the support. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Baekhyun's POV.
The sounds of his screaming is lost amongst the chaos that erupts around him the moment he sees his majestic mate crumple to the ground. His wolf is agitated and whining, almost desperate to break his control, he longs to become his wolf but knows it's a bad idea. Instead of placating his wolf he's moving before his brain can form any coherent command, ignoring his never ending tears and the instant retaliation of the pack that's now his family.

He can hear the echo of commands, the drawing of weapons, snarls and snapping of teeth from those who have become their wolfs. The rustling of the fabric and the cry's of the young cubs, just adds to the drama happening around him.

However it all drowns out as he has one goal in mind to reach his alpha, he's so ashamed of himself for not being able to articulate any kind of warning to his most beloved mate. Chanyeol has always been there for him both in their link and as the one to protect him, yet in a moment of dire need all he's been able to do is scream. Shame like no other laces through him, it's almost deafening the silence of their always flowing link. He may not feel that intense flow of emotions between them but an echo is there, he clings to that echo as he pushes as much soothing and calming love as he can. Hoping in the desperate part of his heart and link that his beloved mighty alpha will feel it.

It takes him literally seconds but those seconds feel like hours to reach his unconscious mate, he's panicking and his heart beats erratically like he can feel the pain of his alpha in his own heart. Yes he's seen this alpha take on multiple wolves at once to keep him safe, and his magnificent wolf form tear through skin like butter, so too see his alpha so vulnerable hurts his heart as he listens to his wolf pine for the reassurance they both need. He's not war trained but he's beyond confused over how someone not of the pack was able to sneak in, resulting in the arrow sticking out of Chanyeol's shoulder at a 45 degree angle. He whimpers at the pool of blood already soaking through Chanyeol's royal blue silk tunic. The only reason he's not gone totally insane is the faint echo of the ever present unwavering love in their link, running along the vestiges of Chanyeol's fury.

Something like this shouldn't have bought his might alpha down, his inexperience in these kind of situations is so apparent. He can't dwell on that right now, the wolf that has claimed his heart is in dire need of him, and he will be that pillar of strength. First he needs to ensure his mighty mate of his presence, and prays to the moon goddess that Chanyeol can sense him, and it offers whatever comfort he can. he may want nothing more than  to feel the waves of soothing intense love and for Chanyeol to call him by his sweet moniker. The lack of anything more than an echo of just makes his tears fall harder, as he places his hands over his mates heart.

Alpha if you can hear me, I love you, heart and soul we are one. I'm right here beside you, yearning for your voice to tell me it's ok, waiting for your mighty wolf to awaken.

Beakhyun has to hold in his emotions and sobs back as he takes in his mates appearance, his pallor that is normally a beautiful clear almost olive tone is pale, his alpha's chest rises and falls as someone clearly in agony. His mate's brow is taught with clear pain too, Beakhyun quickly and mentally says a prayer to the moon goddess before gently cupping his alpha's cheek. A brief moment of calm aa he doesn't feel a fever is short lived, as he gets a whiff of a scent that's not Chanyeol's normal seductive earthy scent. It's a sweet mint like smell, with a clear and sour scent that could be hydrangea petal oil, and something else that he's never smelled before.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16 ⏰

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