An Alpha's Promise

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Chanyeol's POV Three Hours later
Chanyeol follows Sehun through the wrought iron gates of the place they call home but many call the golden encampment! The extreme stress and roaring fury of the last few hours is very much still simmering in his veins. His hackles raised as he spots a larger number of his trained warriors reinforcing and patrolling the encampment walls. He stands beside Sehun still in their wolf forms watching a number of their combined men helping to move in more wood to support the 20 foot high stone walls. Heat and embers fly through the air from the make shift smithies, those that can have learned to bend silver without it killing them are busy making more swords, and arrows tips.

His hackles lessen Chanyeol knows this is his father's orders Blanca and her mutts must have gotten to close to the gates. He can sense from his shared link with his pack that there is heightened tension in the air, mixed in with excitement over the wolves and cloaked new arrival received by the highest ranking wolf at the time. The tension he understands yet hates it has been some time since any type of foul play has been so close to the gates!

Chanyeol fully supports the decision to have more men on patrol and have the walls reinforced. Especially now his mate will be residing behind these very walls. He sends a mental command to the blacksmiths, they will need more silver swords and arrows. A silver arrow will slow down a wolf, a silver sword is what's needed to kill any alpha or beta! If you aim right you can behead an opponent with one strike, it's the only true way to kill a wolf who can self heal. Chanyeol knows he is stronger in his wolf form, but he is equally deadly wielding his long silver sword. A sword he vows will be thrusted through Yukio's neck one day!

He too will assist in the protection of these walls, he sends a mental command to those who are not on duty to be ready for training at first light. He also makes a mental command to increase the hunting parties for fresh meat and plant more seeds for the grain needed for bread. They have animals and food stores available but these are not infinite, and if he was trying to force out an enemy the store houses would be the first target. Something he will have to consider Yukio might try himself!

Shame and renewed fury courses through him, never in his long life has any guilty wolf he hunted evaded capture. In fact Yukio's cloying scent of death and bloody tracks just vanished into thin air the moment he and Sehun made it to the river side! The pure rage coursing through him when he realised that sly sneaky bastard must of jumped into the water! He just wanted to howl into the night, he couldn't fully describe how he felt knowing Yukio skip through his grasp. No one who tried to claim his mate should get away with their lives in his eyes. Chanyeol knew immediately where Yukio was headed, back to his own pack and encampment.

He wanted to continue in pursuit, it was Sehun that bravely stood in his path and urged him to return home. Once that red mist had cleared, he had headed Sehun's words, they both knew  they couldn't drag Yukio out of his home. For one they would of been severely outnumbered, even if Chanyeol had succumbed to his more animalistic raw need to protect his mate. To drag Yukio away as much as he deserved it would of been a challenge they would not of won in a place not their territory. Even if Yukio deserves to have his head on a platter to drag him out would not of gone down well with the elders.

Chanyeol is positive there is an elder who is either sympathetic, or is being bribed. Every sanction he has tried to impose for the good of all the clans has been denied. He was quick to remember they still have not found the spy in their mist, making them both desperate to get back to their mates, vowing to bring justice to both Yukio and whichever elder is allowing Yukio to act with out reproach.

Even now Chanyeol can feel his delicate mates pain coursing through their mate link, he so wishes he could take it away. His heart clenches for all the power he has as supreme alpha, he hates that he can not heal this truly agonising pain. His saliva can heal wounds and mend broken bones, but it can not heal this kind of pain. He may not be an omega or know much about healing and medicine but the amount of pain he can feel through their link mixed with how quickly Baekhyun's heat arrived does have him a little worried.

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