Tears of the MoonChild!

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Baekhyun's POV
The air around him lacks the usual decadent honeysuckle and saffron he's come to love, it's a scent distinctively from the home of his mate! The air doesn't even have the familiar earthen scent mixing with the fresh pine of the forest around the temple he called home! All he can smell cloying scent of death and decay as it permeates the air, mixing with the fragrant scent of rose and lavender is a potent rather unnatural overpowering smell that actually makes him feel a bit sick! Coming back from the deep void of unconsciousness, he's alerted to the silence of his bond! He cannot feel the presence of his strong alpha wolf mate in their link, it's not broken but the distinct lack of intensity he normally feels has his stomach rolling in fear!

Baekhyun mentally pushes towards the echo of emotions he feels, trying to send soothing pheromones towards the frantic embers he can sense. His effort all in vain as nothing seems to reach Chanyeol, something that scares him beyond comprehension as they are mated now their bond should be even stronger! It can only mean two things and own he hopes is the former, he's either too far away or it's the very unlikely possibility that Chanyeol the strongest Alpha he knows has been injured and is himself unconscious!

Opening his eyes he has to turn away from the glare of the sun and bites back the whimper of confusion over his lack of bond, and the pain he can feel around his lower ribs! It's not the pain he really wanted to feel, he wanted to feel the soreness within from his first time making love with his mate! Now all he feels is the bruising around his lower chest and the scratches on his back from being roughly held against his will! Whilst wearing a tunic that whilst dark in colour is not something that should be worn in the company of one not their mate, the soft light fabric doing nothing to pas his body against the dirt of the floor The pain of the stinging scratches at his back,  nothing compared to the chafing soreness of the thick iron cuffs around his delicate wrists. Cuffs placed on his delicate body whilst he was clearly unconscious!

Those cuffs around his wrists are held together with clanking heavy metal links, for one purpose and one purpose alone! To stop him morphing into his wolf! A cruel trick he's only ever read about, and something that is making his wolf howl against! He can only assume he's been cuffed to keep him in this form so as to pose less of a threat! He's hardly a threat, he's an omega,  nature has made him the weaker sex something  even he is well aware of! Guilt at never having  any formal self defence training makes him feel even more helpless, he's been chained to stay in this form because even his wolf would act on instinct and bite his captors if threatened! Tear out chucks of flesh, possible break a bone if it meant they could escape!

Baekhyun desperately tries to control his silent tears as memories of being carried away from his mate come back to him! The look on his parents face, the weeping of the blue moon are the last thing he remembers, his mother falling into the arms of his father as a dagger stuck out his shoulder blade will be the base of his nightmares. As will the deep unbearable howl he knows would of belonged to his Alpha, he's never heard anything like it! It was a ferocious sounding roar of anger and despair. Now that he's become more awake he tries desperately to look around his surroundings, fighting off the panic he can fee rising in his chest! He has no idea where they are, his wolf continues to growl and pace in agitation is not helping to figure it out! The pain and the bruising he knows will be under his thin robes has him believing he's been carried quite roughly for more then he would like, and definitely more then just a few hours! It's possible it's been days!

Something else that makes him push further against their link, he wished it was that mental shield Chanyeol puts up when he is fighting or succumbing to that all powerful creature he's only glimpses at once. This deafening silence is more scary then the panic he feels at his own predicament! He just wants that soothing presence to tell him it's all going to be ok, that he did the right thing! There is this tiny bit of him that fears Chanyeol has decided he's not worth it, especially now they have had intercourse! His wolf snarls within as shame once again fills his body, Chanyeol loves him as much as he loves his  glorious strong alpha, they made a private vow of becoming one, just in time he feels a tingling sensation low down on his shoulder! It's the proof he needs to know that Chanyeol loves him, that they are true mates and he needs to believe that his alpha, his mate will come for him!

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