An Alpha's Control

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Hello my lovelies,

Oh my god, it's been an absolute age since I updated this story hasn't it, Im so sorry to keep you waiting. I owe you all an explanation, I won't lie I did need a bit of time to lick my wounds from my clearly lacklustre previous update.

I felt like it was not well received, and I needed a moment to give my self a pep talk to believe this story is loved by you, as much as I love it.

I did not want to give up as this story is so very special, and I want to say thank you for not giving up on me too. I'm very aware I don't disclose a lot of how I am feeling and the last thing I want is to be ungrateful, but I'd be lying if I said it didn't hurt seeing something i spent hours on not meet expectations.

That leads to sometimes just needing to take a step away when you feel like you failed and that is what I did. So again my sincere thanks for sticking with me (Insert authonim Bowing on the floor in sincere thanks)

Now let's get on with the reason you are here, the next update. I hope you enjoy ❤️❤️❤️.

One Moon Cycle Later, Chanyeol's POV.
Chanyeol reluctantly stirs awake to sounds of the swallows and doves singing their dawn chorus, groaning out at the fact that he can feel the brightness of the sunlight already peeking through the gossamer and silk drapes of their bedroom balcony under his still closed eyelids. It feels like he only closed his eyes a moment ago, yet even in his sleep deprived state he can feel the corners of his mouth turn up in a content smile as his wolf purrs and stretches into his mind. Memories of gentle kisses, and soft touches across his own torso and the most sinfully innocent warm lips wrapped around his manhood fill his mind.

His mate is fast becoming the most sensual lover he has ever had, and whilst he's not proud of the number of wolves he's been with since he matured all those long years ago, he's thankful of the experiences they gave him. That he can teach Baekhyun what really sets his own skin and aflame, and use his own learned arsenal to make his precious star scream in ecstasy. His wolf once again purring into his mind at the memory of the sweet sighs and moans of their mate as he valiantly and perfectly executed his first act of fellatio. An act so erotic and perfect it made him come so hard, he swears he heard himself screaming for the gods last night.

Their first month as official claimed mates has been sensational, he's so proud of his young moon child and the consort he is quickly becoming. He's also amazed by his blue haired precious star for more intimate reasons, never once has his glorious lover denied one single act intimacy he himself started. It's been a month of constant mating, sometimes mating though the night, yet his clearly exhausted mate simply smiled to him and opened his arms for more. Again his precious moon child surpassed anything he ever expected, no matter how sore, how tired Baekhyun never says no, that blissful sleepy smile that adorns his beautiful small face more often then anything else now his favourite. He is fully aware he's been behaving like a starved feral wolf by never letting Baekhyun have more then the odd night, sometimes like last night just a  mere couple of hours to simply sleep. Chanyeol winces himself when he feels the stiffness in his thighs as he started to become more lucid, if he's stiff his beautiful mate must be in agony.

Something his mate can not hide even in their link, their link stronger then any thing he's ever known, at first the higher intimacy between them scared him. He never knew being mated could make you feel your mates heartbeat, hear every single thought, share their pain. Something he is acutely aware of now, as he feels the simmering pain of Baekhyun's back and behind as if it was his own. It truly makes so much sense why he's always been told not to let mated omega wolves on the battlefield together, the thought of Baekhyun even watching a battle makes him feel nauseous. The chaos of battle would distract even the mightiest of wolf mates, a move that could be deadly to either mate. More so if mated to an omega, their basic biology is to be naturally weaker and softer in all aspects of their lives.

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