An Expected Visitor

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Baekhyun stirs awake at the soft whimpering he can hear, not just whimpering he can feel a slight dampness to his cheeks which forces him to open his eyes. It's when he realises the whimpering he heard just now has stopped, raising his hands he realises that his cheeks aren't just damp they are sodden! The noise, and the wetness on his cheeks can only mean he was crying, but why his mind is still foggy with remnants of very little sleep. Slowly he turns to the open pillared balcony of his room, it's not yet sunrise as he can still see the stars. It's looking at the pretty twinkling stars that it all rushes back forcing a gasp out if him. Now he knows why he had tears, he vividly remembers the dream that consumed not just his consciousness and heart but his wolf as well finally noticing how the wolf within him is pinning!

Baekhyun takes a much needed deep breath to calm down as he remembers the content of his dream, it all felt so real! He was with that magnificent midnight black wolf from the meadow, he remembers it all now! The black powerful wolf playfully pinning him to the ground of the meadow, gently nipping at his neck. Then he remembers running through the forest together, both in wolf form. Lots of intimate scenes, some that included both the black wolf and his own white wolf form licking at each other's muzzles. Before finally standing on soft powdered snow, where the black wolf rested his head protectively above his own. Now he knows why his checks were so wet, in his heart he wants that dream to be real. It's everything he has ever dreamed of having, yes he is cherished and maybe babied by his parents but he wants to be cherished by someone who finds him worthy of being a mate. Getting off his bed he grabs his shift and heads to his balcony he's desperate for air, looking around all remains quiet in the inner courtyard no one has risen yet and only the night torches remain lit.

Baekhyun relishes the calmness that invades his senses when he finally stands on his balcony. Even now when he notices the moon is lower in the sky then last night, the inky blackness of night is starting to swirl into the muted reds of pre dawn. It's why he raises his head to the moon about to make a prayer to the gods to reveal just who the black wolf is, when he picks up that familiar lemon and verbena scent belonging to his father. Turning he finds his father In human form, at the doorway to his room. A gentle smile on his face, and his golden red hair shining in the torch light. Baekhyun has always loved how his father waits for his permission to enter his room! Baekhyun is lucky as the only son of the high priest he gets to have his own room. He doesn't have to share the dorm where the other unmated omegas of the temple sleep, not that there are many.

There are only severn other unmated omegas, each one has dedicated their life to the service of the moon, future priests and priestesses in training. It was his mother that suggested all the omegas share the same room, and that room be in separate protected area away from the main temple. His own room is not far from the dorm it's just three doors down and belongs to the same courtyard. All the mated pairs and his own parents have rooms on the other side of the temple grounds. Baekhyun knows it's a mainly a precaution that all the omega rooms are separated, something to do with the end of the clan wars He knows should the temple ever face anything like the clan wars, it's always unmated omegas that seem to pay the price first! Sadly the moon gods made Omegas weaker then their alpha and beta kin. His mother always says being an omega is not a weakness, just that the moon gods have ordained different paths for them. That thought Baekhyun at times wonders if there is more to the reason he has his own rooms, even when completing his share of the chores he always seems to have a lighter amount to do.

My moon child, you know I can here you thinking even in my human form, you don't have lighter chores my child we just all know you have a preference. "Father I am fully capable of preparing the kills we are gifted!" Aware his father has not yet entered, Baekhyun nods to him to allow access and waits on the bench by his bronze mirror for his father. It doesn't take long as his father soon sits beside him, nor the chance to pat his knee. "Of course you are darling, you just do not hide well how much you hate the smell of raw meat!" "Father I can't help that I prefer it cooked," "Well you will be pleased to know that all the chickens and ducks have been feathered!" "Does that mean I don't have to help in the kitchen today?" "Only because your mother wishes for you to help with the preparation of the moon festival!" "Really?" "Yes moonchild however on the one condition, you don't rush off to the meadow come sundown, last night was the third time this week alone you have stayed out beyond your curfew!"

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