A Rogue Wolf!

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Hello everyone, here it is the first official update of Children of the moon. Thank you all so much for giving this a chance I know so different from my usual style.

I hope you like this update, i truly hope how I have envisioned this works well. Let me know what you think ❤️

The silvery shine of the full moon high in the sky calms him, it is not often he gets to see the full moon like this. He inhales all the smells around him, the familiar earthen scents mixing with the fresh pine of the forest and the dewy moisture on rose petals it's all so serene, so pure and calls to him. When the moon is high it's his favourite time to feel the fresh grass under his paws and the wind through his fur, as he raises his muzzle in respect of the moon.  He should be heading back as it's so late as  he has knowingly wandered further from the temple gardens then he should of! Baekhyun can't help him self  as he scents the air again, he loves the nights when the moon is high in the sky, it has always called to him more so then any of the other young omegas at the temple! Well apart from his father, no one is in tune with the gods and the Luna cycles like his father. It's not the calling his father has, its more a feeling of being free when the moon is full, he prays it's a sign his first heat is coming after all he will soon be 1000 full moons old, a first heat is an important rite of passage for all omegas, mainly its a sign of maturity, for some select few it will indicate wherever they can bare children.

Baekhyun would smile if he could, he is excited for this milestone, perhaps he will get the chance now to leave the temple maybe even join a clan, if the gods have blessed him, he will be able to bare pups! He knows that make omegas haven't presented as carries for sometime, but  it's all he has ever wanted to have a pup of his own, he has never understood why some males are omegas if they can't carry pups. Looking back to the marble temple he knows his mother would understand he is after all an Omega himself. Baekhyun does love his time at the temple it's his home, but in the last few decades his heart has yearned for a mate something he has yet to share with his overprotective parents. The snap of a twig behind him alerts him, spinning round with his ears up on high alert he combs the tree line for the source of the sound. In this form his vision is heightened but even with the bright moonlight, he can't see into the dense trees, there are no heat sources or any irregular sounds he can latch onto! There isn't any distinct smell either to indicate anyone one else is close by. He chastises himself mentally his senses must be on override with the full moon. Award he has been out long enough he wills his body back to his human form. Once again in human form, he quickly bends to grab his white cotton robe and matching white rose flower crown. Finally suitably attired, he goes to turn back to the temple when he hears a second snap, this time much closer. Baekhyun can feel the hairs on the back of his neck rise, this time he can sense a stronger powerful wolfs presence and whirls instantly around to where he originally heard the noise.

There standing at the edge of the tree line stands a magnificent midnight black wolf, one Baekhyun can't take his eyes off of! He slowly takes a step back a clear sign of surrender at the almost choking release of pheromones this wolf has! Baekhyun has never been close enough to a alpha to experience the sheer power radiating off this them, and this wolf releases an ocean amount. Baekhyun can feel how his own wolf is howling within him to submit to this very obvious alpha! His eyes widen as the wolf inches out of the tree line, this wolf is huge and would easily tower over him in his wolf form.

Baekhyun can feel his heartbeat quicken as the wolf takes another step closer, his own mind going into override how could he of been so stupid to be out here alone. He knows he has never seen this wolf before. The sudden low growl has Baekhyun immediately dropping down to his knees in fear. he desperately fights against his instincts and wills him self not to bare his neck. Bearing his neck would be an act of ultimate submission, saved for two things either to receive a mating mark or punishment. He remains on his knees though as a flash of anger flows within him! He has heard brief snippets of the clan wars, of rogue alphas hunting out omegas for sport but they are long over.

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