Chapter 6 Swimming Time

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Sonic was in his hut hanging out when there was a kncok on open door and he saw Amy standing there.

''Hey Ames what's up?" He asked lazily.

''Hey well as you know there is the annual beach/swim party and well you should come join.'' She said walking over leaning into his side.

''Sounds like fun except the swimming part.'' He said.

''Well I wanted to know if you would go with me because the cutest and best couple there will win a prize we just have to surf or swim and show off.'' She said.

''I would love to Ames but I don't like the water so chances are we won't win in that area.'' He said closing his eyes.

''True but you still should come your the hero you should be there in case Eggman attacks.'' Amy said.

''Fair enough alright Ames you got it, we'll call it a date.'' He said.

''Great thanks a bunch Sonic.'' Amy smiles and kisses his cheek.

He grabbed her arm. ''You aren't getting out of it that easily.'' He pulls her closer and kisses her lips as she kisses back and then pulled away and left.

Sonic smiles after a bit he decided to go for a run then he went back home and watched some tv when his communicator went off.

''Sonic its urgent I need you down here at the beach hurry I already got the others.'' Amy said frantically and out of breath.

Sonic zipped over to Amy and got in a defense pose. ''Ok where is the problem Amy?'' He asked slightly standing in front of her.

The pink hedgehog laugh and went over to him. ''Take it easy Sonic everything is ok.''

''Then what was calling me over for?'' He asked annoyed and looked at his pink girlfriend.

''Well I figured the only way for us to try to win is if you start swimming and so since I didn't want to ruin your pride I figured I can teach to swim at night so that way we are ready for next Saturday.'' She giggled.

He froze and thought about running but he was already here and how could he say no to her. ''And what if I refuse and go home?"

''Then you don't get any sex or roleplaying for a month.'' She said shrugging.

He flintched at that, him and Amy have been intimate a lot and it felt so good to both of them he could of handled a week but a month no way. ''Fine you win.'' He said.

''Great.'' She the dropped her towel to reveal a red 2 piece bikini and Sonic drooled. ''Come on I'll show and teach you its easy.'' She smiles and walked towards the water swaying her hips sexily.

He stared at her if he got to see this all night then heck he'd swim all the time.  Amy then dived in and swam for a minute then came over. ''Come on Sonic.''

Sonic took off his athletic tape and his shoes and scarf and he went over and gingerly stepped into the water trying not to shake.

Amy came over and took his hand. ''Don't worry Sonic I'm right here with you I won't let you drown.'' She said kissing his cheek.

He went in until it came to his hips. ''Ok now Sonic now I want you to lean forward.'' She said holding his back and chest.

Sonic took a deep breath and then did as he was told his body froze when his chest and face it the water he felt Amy wrap her arms around his middle. ''Now stay calm and kick your legs.'' She said.

He kicked as water came up soaking them. ''Ok so keep your legs in water and kick its just like running only the water is pushing and pulling you now seperate the water from your face.'' She said.

He did just that and he put both together and closed his eyes and felt himself floating and kicking when he opened is eyes he looked to see Amy right next to him only not holding him.

''AMY LOOK I'M SWIMMING!'' He shouted excitedly.

''Yes yes you are come on.'' She took off with him coming over they played water tag then Amy looked up at the night sky and then she felt arms around her waist and a pair on lips on her cheek.

''Thanks Ames and can I say I love that bikini your wearing.'' He flirted and he unties the back as they fall off exposing her breasts.

She yelped and covered herself with her hands. ''Sonic!'' She blushes.

He turned her around as she wrapped her arms around him and he leans in and kisses her grabbing her legs wrapping them around his waist and after a few minutes he lowers his head going for her breasts and kissing them softly.

''Sonic.'' She moans.

He lifted her in his arms and zipped over to the land and lays her on the beach chair and he climbs on her pulling down her bottoms and he presses himself into her as they kiss.

''Oh Sonic.'' She throws up her head to kiss him thrusting up to meet his rod.

They laid there making over until Sonic pulled out and released all over her body and she came all over as they stayed there kissing and snuggling as they fell asleep.

Saturday came and the beach was full of everyone was there the team were there as well. Sticks, knuckles, Tails came over to Sonic and Amy.

''Hey Sonic your here.'' Tails said surprised.

''Yeah I came with Amy we are a team in this thing.'' Sonic said holding her hand.

''Woah wait Sonic you hate water so why are you doing it?'' Asked Tails.

''Well you'll see.'' Amy said.

''Gee Amy you must of had to work hard to get him to agree.'' Sticks said.

''Nah just a empty threat nothing too bad.'' She giggled.

So they all hung out and then came the swimming contest. Sonic and Amy were in place.

''Ok everyone first swimmer swim to the end of the rope come back and slap your partners hand.'' The judge said.

Sonic took off and he touched the rope and came back going a bit slower but then picked it up. All the others were shocked to see Sonic swimming and slapped his girlfriends hand and she took off and she was going up against Eggman.

''Nice suit Amy maybe you can come over and do a dance.'' He taunted.

Amy went faster then Eggman went over and his foot wrapped around hers sending her down as she struggled and then she came up to see the others had make it back and she took off and came out falling on her knees coughing.

''Amy are you ok'?'' Asked Sonic

''Eggman tried to drown me.'' She coughed.

They all saw Eggman on his robot stand and then the robot crabs came over. Amy and the team got ready and charged. Sonic fought off the crabs and jumped up landing on Eggmans hover board and punched him to the point he fell off. 

''THAT IS FOR TRYING TO DROWN MY GIRLFRIEND!'' He shouted and then Eggman took off and Amy nailed a couple of crabs and they all took off.

The team high fived and Sonic picked up Amy as they spin around and hugged her then they shared a kiss. The town all cheered for the whole team. ''And the winner for not only the cutest couple but also for their butt kicking Sonic and Amy!'' The mayor said.

They smiled and hugged each other as they got their award. ''Say Sonic want to go get a buger and Chilli cheese dog?'' She asked.

''You know it. Oh Ames.'' He grabbed her hand and pulled her into a hug. ''Thanks for your help.''

''Of course honey.'' They held hands and took off.

Here we go enjoy.

Sonic & Amy one shots (Boom style) 18+Where stories live. Discover now