Chapter 20 Crazy in Love?

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One day in By Gone Town team Sonic were walking around going to Meh Burger and they ordered and sat down, Sonic sat across from Amy who was next to Sticks and their food came by a different waiter then Dave.

''Here we go 5 meh burgers.'' The handsome light red ferret said as he places the food in front of them.

''Thanks man!'' Knuckles said happily.

''You new?'' Asked Amy curiously.

''Hmm oh yeah I'm Zack, I'm here for a week visiting family and I decided to work here for awhile.'' He said as he walked away and winks at Amy as she blushes.

The others were eating and talking but this didn't go unnoticed by Sonic who felt a bit jealous. 

After lunch the team went to the beach to relax and have some 

Not too far away Eggman in his lair with Orbot and Cubot were watching this reaction and the Dr. smirked.

''So Sonic gets jealous when a handsome young male talks or flirts with Amy huh?'' Eggman said.

''Yeah he likes her but won't say and she likes him as well.'' Cubot said.

''How about we have some fun boys.'' Eggman said.

''Sure what are we going to do?'' Orbot asked.

Eggman chuckled and got up going to a closed compartment and pulled out a potion. ''This here is a crazy love and lust potion place it on the males and on Amy and then lets see how it plays and don't hit Sonic with it, its more fun that way.'' Eggman smirked.

The robots chuckled and went out to do their stuff and they went over and poured the stuff in guys drinks and on them and it took them an hour, they then saw Amy on the park bench reading.

''What the?'' She shrugs and got back to reading.

Orbot and Cubot on the way back to lair and saw the males walking towards Amy as they saw Eggman with popcorn.

''Looks like you did it now sit back and watch the fun.'' Eggman smirked.

Amy decided to go see where the others were at when she ran into Dave.

''H-hey Amy.'' He smiles and stands in front of her.

''Hi Dave.'' She smiles curious as to why he was standing there looking at her like that.

''I was wondering if you would like to come over to my place to hangout for a bit?'' He asked giving her a wink.

''Um no thanks I'm a bit busy.'' She said walking away raising an eyebrow at it. 

'That was werid.' She thought.

She continued on and came up to Sticks. ''Hey Sticks.'' She smiles.

''Hey Amy you look different.'' Sticks said.

''You think? I mean its weird, Dave wanted me to hangout at his place.'' Amy said.

''That is strange.'' She said.

Suddnely the guys came over and knuckles had hearts in his eyes.

''Say Amy your looking very hot today.. say want to watch me lift some weighs?'' Asked Knuckles flexing.

''Say Amy I'm working on a new invention want to come help me I could use your advice.'' Tails said walking over to Amy.

''Um I mostly came to hang with you guys.'' She said surprised by them, and Knuckles kisses her hand.

''A beautiful lady like you shouldn't be walking let me help you.'' Knuckles picked her up as she blushes.

Sonic was shocked and he felt jealousy building up. 'Why are Knuckles and Tails flirting with Amy?' He asked himself.

Sonic & Amy one shots (Boom style) 18+Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ