Chapter 9 Hedgehog in Distress

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Life was great for Sonic the Hedgehog he was the hero of his town, he had fans and admirers and he had the best team ever.. and he had an amazing girlfriend who could kick butt and hold her own. He was happy as he laid there in the shade while Sticks and Knuckles were playing volleyball.

''So Sonic where is Amy again?'' Asked Tails who was working on UT.

''She went to a nature seminar this week.'' Sonic said laying back.

''Hmm I see and why didn't you go?'' Asked Tails.

''I'm the hero, I'm needed her in case Eggman takes over.'' He said looking at Tails.

''I see its nice how understanding Amy is I know she really wanted you to go with.'' Tails said.

''Yeah but I'll leave the nature saving to my girlfriend.'' He said. 

''You aren't worried Amy might meet someone else?'' Asked Tails.

''Well I'm sure she will I mean I'm not giving Amy up without a fight but we are perfect for each other she's been to so many semiars now and she came back single still I'm not worried, she'll call me if she needs help. Why bring it up?'' He asked watching his fox buddy.

''Well lately she seemed a bit off I mean excited to go to the semiar but she really did seem like she was hoping you'd go.'' Tails said relaxing.

''Ehh she always wanting me to go with and if Eggman wasn't a threat I would.'' Sonic said but he was curious if she was ok, as much as he knew she could handle herself he did worry about her.

Meanwhile in a few towns away which was about a days walk Amy was in a building with a bunch of other animals and there were a few hedgehogs there and she walked into one of the rooms and sat at one of the desks in the middle it make her feel like she is in school again.

''Hey mind if I sit here?'' She looked to see one of her close friends who goes to all the same semiars as her. 

''Sure Abby.'' She said to the purple hedgehog wearing a dark purple sports bra and shorts.

''So what do you think of my outfit?'' Abby said.

''Hmm looks revealing we are here to save the enviroment.'' Amy said.

''Yeah but I really want Ryan to notice me.'' She said sighing.

''Well he might he does love going for girls who wear clothes like that, but all the girls like him.'' Amy said.

''Yeah.. wait you can't tell me you don't find Ryan attracive?'' Abby asked raising an eyebrow.

''He is attractive but he is also a stuck up jerk besides I already have a boyfriend.'' Amy said sighing happily.

''Oh yeah your Sonic the Hedgehog boyfriend I thought you said he gonna come this time?'' Abby asked.

''Yeah I tried but being a hero he has to be where he is needed.'' Amy said.

Suddenly the door opened and in came a handsome orange hedgehog he was eye pleasing in everyway he had a six pack on and he had muscles all over and all the girls giggle and swoon at him.

Amy rolls her eyes and their speaker came in he was a brown bunny who looked at them. ''Welcome everyone.'' He said.

They were all listening and Amy was taking notes and listening. Meanwhile Abby every now and then would look at Ryan winking and grinnning.

Ryan was the second row behind Amy and his eyes were on her, he was a handsome and he knew all the girls wanted him, there was one he wanted and that was the beautiful Amy Rose. They had met at the beginning of the year at the bee semier and she was awesome and a blast to be around, and he pulled all the moves he could and she still didn't react. It drove him nuts no girl had refused him, he even pulled off the nice and innocent card. 

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