SonAmy meets LadyNoir

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''Tell me again why we came here?'' Asked Sonic the blue hedgehog to his girlfriend Amy as they went to the baggage claim in the airport.

''Because we need a getaway from Eggman and because I thought you and me could spend time together.'' She said giggling.

Sonic grins and winks at her. ''Perfect idea just you and me.'' He pulls her close as they are about to kiss when they heard a voice.

''Hey guys! Help me my hand is stuck!'' Knuckles said trying to pull his hand out of a tight trash can.

''Hold on Knuckles I'm coming!'' Shouted sticks coming over with Tails.

''And why are they here?''

''Because they needed a break as well.'' Amy said grabbing her duffle bag.

They all left the airport and went to a hotel and they placed their stuff in the rooms and Amy finds herself on the bed with Sonic on top of her and he kisses her.

''What was that?'' She asked happily her hands around his neck.

''I just want to have some fun with my girlfriend.'' He said.

She slipped out from his arms. ''Later hon.''

She went to the balcony and looked out. ''We get all of this to explore all of this.'' 

''Well then lets go.'' Sonic said grabbing Amy's hand and running out of the room.

The gang was walking taking in the sights Amy had her arms on Sonic's  as they walked and they were having a blast.

Knuckles was flirting with some single girls, Tails and sticks were having fun pretending they were dating. 

''Sonic and Amy came over to the kissing bridge and Sonic pulls Amy close in a dip and kisses her as she kisses back as they shared a french kiss and he pulls away as Amy was still he her love struck stage giggling they then heard a a loud noise and people screaming, they looked and saw something big on Notre Dame cathedral and saw people running all over.

''Come on we have to help them!'' Amy said as took off running with Sonic and the other three on her tail.

''So whats the plan?'' Asked Knuckles.

''Ok Tails, Sticks make sure everyone  gets back and safe Knuckles you and Amy made sure the thing doesn't destroy anymore buildings I'll try to lure it away from here and somewhere else!'' Sonic shouted as they jumped into action.

Amy was running when Perez saw her and decided to get rid of her as she was fighting off some smaller villians and he picked up a bus and threw it. Amy turned to see a bus almost hit her she ducked only for Cat Noir to grab the bus before it hit Amy.

Sonic threw something at the akumized villian and he went over to take on Sonic who was running in a circle. He then saw a lady bug girl coming over and land in front of him. ''Your done for!'' She shouted and threw her yo yo at the villian as he disappeared.

She turned to the blue hedgehog. ''You ok?'' She asked.

''Yeah I am who are you?'' He asked in shock.

''I'm Lady Bug and don't worry akumized villians always comes up and does stuff like this.'' She said. ''Who are you?''

''You don't know me? Only the most famous hedgehog in the world Sonic T Hedgehog.'' He said puffing out his chest proudly.

''Hmm never heard of you but you'd make a cute little plush doll.'' She said.

''Oh no Amy!'' He took off as fast as he could to his girlfriend having seen the bus being thrown at her.

Amy was shocked to see a tall handsome blond black cat suit boy looking at her and gently putting the bus down.

''Are you ok?'' He asked holding out his hand to her.

''Yeah I am thank you so much for saving me.'' She said dreamily.

''AMY!'' She turned to see Kunckles, Tails, and Sticks coming over and saw a blue streak came over and grabbed her.

''Amy are you ok?'' Asked Sonic worried as he looked her over.

''I'm fine this black hero over here saved me.'' She said giggling.

''I'm Cat Noir.'' He said winking at Sticks and Amy who both blushed and giggled.

Sonic growls at this feeling jealous, then a voice made them look. ''Cat Noir there you are always flirting with the girls.''

They looked to see a tall girl dressed like a lady Bug. ''Oh Lady Bug you are the only girl for me.'' He hugs her.

''Wait you two are a thing?'' Asked Knuckles.

''Well sort of we are partners who stop evil.'' Lady Bug said.

''Nice we are Team Sonic.'' Sonic said.

''Pleasure to meet you, but we have to get going.'' Cat Noir said kissing Amy and Sticks hands as they took off.

''Woah what a crazy day I'm getting something to eat.'' Knuckles said leaving.

''Say Tails, wasn't there a place you wanted to show me?'' Asked Sticks.

''Yeah see you two love birds later.'' Tails said.

''So what now?'' Asked Amy.

''I got a few idea's.'' He held her arm as they walked and continued their fun little exploration of Paris. ''How long do we have here?'' Sonic asked.

''6 more days.'' She giggles and stops him as she kisses him and he kisses back.

Not far away on a building. ''I told you she was taken.'' Lady Bug said.

''Yeah true well it was a fun pipe dream.'' Cat Noir said as they took off together.

Here we go enjoy guys this was a request for Chipmunklover16. Next up is a fun wedding one shot.

Sonic & Amy one shots (Boom style) 18+Where stories live. Discover now