Chapter 24 Dancing Lessons (Original Idea)

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This is going to be my original idea I had.

One sunny day outside on the beach of the small village Team Sonic was hanging out.

Knuckles and Sticks were playing Volleyball while Sonic and Tails were in the shade on the chairs.

''Say has anyone seen Amy?'' Asked Tails.

''I think she said she was helping out with a dance class.'' Knuckles said.

''Huh? What do you think of that Sonic?'' Asked Tails.

Sonic opened his eyes. ''Good for her, I mean this is Amy and whatever makes her happy.''

The rest of the team looked at Sonic. It was no secret that Sonic, and Amy were dating, they had gone on a few dates together and everyone guessed they were dating but they never made it official.

''I noticed that Dixon is back.'' Sticks said coming over and sitting down next to Sonic.

Sonic opened his eyes. ''Oh? When did he get here?''

''I think a couple days ago. I heard he's teaching a dance class.'' Tails said.

Sonic was curious now and a bit worried about Amy.

''Say Sonic want to join in a game?'' Asked Tails.

Suddenly they see Amy coming over she smiled at them. ''Hey guys!''

''Amy about time you showed up.'' Tails said.

''Yeah, sorry I had to stay and help clean up the props and stuff.'' She said sitting down next to Sonic.

''Want to join us in a game?'' Asked Knuckles.

''Nah, I'm going to sit been on my feet a lot.'' She said.

The others went back to playing their game and Sonic looked over at Amy. She may have fooled the others, but he could tell something was off about her.

''Say you ok Ames?'' Sonic asked leaning over to her.

''Yeah, why?'' She asked a bit confused.

''Well, you just have that look that your irritated. How was dance class?'' 

''It was ok, Dixon is in charge.'' Amy said.

''Oh? What is he in for this time?'' Asked Sonic.

Amy flinched and shrugged. ''He just wants to do a dance contest and asked me to help him.'' 

Sonic felt his stomach do a flip flop at that. ''Oh? How so?'' He asked.

''I'm helping him teach the others to dance.'' She said.

''He's not hurting you or doing anything to you is he?'' Asked Sonic.

Amy rolled her eyes. ''No, he's not. I'm careful Sonic.''

''It's not that, he doesn't like us.'' Sonic said worried.

''He doesn't like you, and yes, he is greedy he's genuinely trying to teach a class and figured I'd be the most understanding.'' She said laying back.

''You could have told him no.'' Sonic said.

''Yeah, well I didn't. And I'm done talking about this, I'm going home.'' She got up and left.

While they were talking, they weren't aware the others were listening to it.

''You ok Sonic?'' Asked Sticks coming over.

''Yeah, I'm going for a run.'' He took off.

Sonic ran until he came to the community hall and went in to see Dixon setting stuff up and he turned to see Sonic.

Sonic & Amy one shots (Boom style) 18+Where stories live. Discover now