the party || chapter 2

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tiktok: thewalkingwattpadwriter


I walked down the stairs leading down to the Slytherin common room where the party was being held this year. The blasting of music from our common room was practically the only thing that could be heard throughout the dormitories. My dress tightly hugged every curve and every small detail of my body—almost as if it was meant for myself, and only me. I was so ready for this party, it was the only time of the year in Hogwarts when people were allowed to let loose and have fun. I don't know about anyone else, but i absolutely loved it. I slowly opened the door that led into the room and i felt quite a few eyes lay on me, or shall i say specifically, what i was wearing. I grinned at the attention i was getting, but made my way over to the drinks table as i saw my best friend, Leah Baxter. She looked stunning, as always, her dark brown hair was in a loose style-half up half down- and she had a blue dress which also hugged all of her curves and perfections tight. She was looking around aimlessly, until she saw me and gasped, putting her cup on the table quickly and engulfing me in a huge hug.

"My Rose!!" i gave off a slight chuckle, "You look stunning!" she looked me up and down and then finally looked me in the eyes which was hard for me to do because i could never concentrate. "If someone doesn't end up shagging you tonight, i'll take upon that opportunity," she said with a wink, whilst i chuckled at her statement. "Now c'mon, grab a cup." she signalled over to the drinks table where lay several different colours of cups.

"Uh-?" she turned her head around to me, "Why's there so many cup colours? Why not just stick to one?" i said with a nervous laugh and she sighed, pointing to each of the cups when she described them.

"The red cups," she paused a little, "Are for taken people, the green ones," she began, pointing at her own green cup, "Are for singles who want more than friends-," i nodded, making it aware i was listening. Blaise came up behind her and pointed to another cup.

"Them purple ones are for people who want a relationship and to hook up," he smiled, shaking his own purple one. I nodded, trying to remember what they were saying. "Aandd.." he pointed to the orange cups, "they're for people who just want to be single." he finished, although my eyes darted to the cup that they hadn't explained yet.

"And, what about those ones?" i pointed to the turquoise coloured ones. I looked at Blaise and Leah, moving my head ever so slightly to flick between them both. But as they were about to say something, Jake and Draco appeared in our small circle and the blonde one stepped in between us all, grabbing a turquoise cup. I raised an eyebrow and followed his movements.

"This, is for people who want a simple hookup and nothing else, no strings attached." he said with quick wink, aimed to nobody in particular. I raised my eyebrow, intrigued, and picked up a turquoise cup myself. The friends around me raised their eyebrows, looking at each other in surprise when i started drinking the burning alcohol that slid down my throat as i drunk it, making my face screw up a little.

"Go Rosey!" Leah yelled, getting a few Gryffindor's attention which she noticed, "What the fuck are you looking at!" she glared at them and they were quick to move their gaze somewhere else. She had always been a feisty one, we met when we were younger due to her mum knowing mine. She stuck up for me when anybody called me a mudblood or a "filthy half blood". I wasn't fazed at all by the comments, but she wouldn't have anyone talk to me like that, she hated when people were horrid to me, so she would be horrid back. It made me smile at first, but now it's kind of annoying in a way, due to the fact i'm old enough to stick up for myself now.

Then i heard the loud shriek of a girls voice, one i knew too well, one that if compared to, it would sound exactly like a toddler when it doesn't get their own way. "Attention! Gather around the sofa area-," she paused and looked at the group of Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs grouped in a corner away from the area and yelled so they could hear her, "Yes, that does include you too mud-bloods!" and gave them a cold hard glare. They came over after the shouting and sat like the other 20 people, or stood like the other 10. I rolled my eyes at the comment and sat down on the floor, sat on my legs, kneeling. Leah decided to sit down beside me, she always wants to make sure i'm not alone and i adore her for that. "Now, we're playing spin the bottle. Anyone who refuses, or simply doesn't want to play then leave now." around 15 or more people then decided to leave and we all chuckled at them. Pussy's. Pansy gave off a little smirk and continued with her talking, "Now, you know the rules. Spin the bottle until it lands on someone, go into the bathroom there, for seven minutes." she pointed and faced back to the group, "if you don't go, then you will do a forfeit." The rest of us left nodded and Jake piped up,

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