quidditch || chapter 10

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"Girls don't have the strength to play quidditch"


I slowly woke up, trying to become aware of my surroundings whilst squinted my eyes shut, having blurry vision for a few seconds. I yawned and groaned a little at the sudden light flashing through the curtains.

"Morning sleepy-head," said Enzo, chuckling a little bit from next to me.

I groaned again and mumbled, loud enough so he could hear , "What time is it?" I stretched my arms and slowly sat up, rubbing my eyes.

"It's 10:30, i let you sleep in," he smiled and ruffled my hair.

I groaned again at the time before quickly opening my eyes wide and sort-of yelling, "Oh my god! Enzo!" I snapped out of my post-sleep trance.

"Huh?" he asked, confused.

"We have quidditch trials today!" I quickly jumped up and looked through my wardrobe, searching for my quidditch uniform from last year. "Get your lazy ass up and out my dorm!"

"Oh shit!! I'll be back i need to change!" Enzo quickly hurried out of my dorm room, shutting the door closed on the way out as i began to undress, trying to be as fast as i possibly could. Once i was undressed i grabbed a pair of undergarments and i quickly slipped my top and joggers on before slipping on my cloak. I then sprayed myself with perfume and ran into my bathroom to brush my teeth.

Whilst i was scrubbing, i heard someone knock the door from the other side of my room and i hurried over, slowly opening my door as i didn't have enough hands.

I thought it was Enzo, but i was completely wrong, it was Malfoy, Draco Malfoy. I rolled my eyes and pointed to my seat placed under my white vanity, signalling him to sit down whilst i finished brushing my teeth.

I walked back over to my bathroom after shutting my door. I spat the toothpaste out and wiped my face, making sure no remanence of toothpaste was left. I then walked back into my bedroom and sat down on my own bed and looked at Draco, "Uhm, hello?" i said, snapping him out of his daze from looking around my room.

"Oh yeah," he coughed a little before straightening his posture, "I came to ask if you're okay from what happened yesterday? Umbridge wasn't too nice with you." he chuckled the slightest before turning back to me, a little hint of concern plastered on his face.

I held up my bandaged hand to him, "Well, after i got out the hospital wing i came up here with Enzo, i had a shower whilst Enzo stayed in here and i tried to," i paused, trying to find the right word, "feel it almost, and i couldn't even do that." he nodded, eyebrows furrowed the slightest. "But, i don't have a headache anymore which is good, but, i can barely walk, and if i do i end up stumbling." i laughed a little.

He pierced his lips together before speaking up, "Well at-least you're okay now?" he asked and i shook my head 'yes'. "Good, we have Quidditch try-outs now, i'm guessing i'll see you there?" he said, looking at my uniform whilst doing so.

"Yeah, who's captain this year?" i asked, unsure myself.

"Pucey." he answered, snarling a little at his name. I groaned and rolled my eyes.

"Well, there's no way i'm getting on the team." i chuckled a little, "I'm still going to try though." Draco nodded at my statement.

"As you should," the corner of his lips turned, making the slightest smile that would be un-noticeable if someone was to look at him from a couple of metres away. "I should get going, I'll see you in a few, Oaks?" he questioned, looking back at me as he stood up.

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