wrong move || chapter 14

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twitter: yuhitscoco


After explaining everything again to my friend group, i managed to excuse myself and walk away and back off to my dorm. As i got there i quickly rushed into the bathroom, the DA meeting had started 5 minutes ago, i needed to be quick otherwise i was going to miss the explanations of the lesson.

I rushed around, wiping my face with some makeup remover to erase the mascara smudges so i looked half decent for when i arrived in the room of requirements.

I changed my clothes into some leggings that muggles call, 'Nike Pros', and a sports bra, chucking a hoodie over the top of it. 

I checked myself over in the mirror before grabbing my phone, sliding it into my hoodie pocket and grabbing my wand.

The inquisitorial team was now currently roaming the halls, searching for any possible way to figure out the D.A. This meant we had to be extremely careful, more than usual.

I quietly opened and closed my door, looking around the dormitory hallways for any sudden movements. Once i was sure nobody was there, i made my way down into the common room, looking around and not being surprised when everyone had gone to bed.

I rushed across the common room and out of the portrait, still looking and listening about for any movements.

After the seven minute marker of walking, i got to the hallway that was around the corner from the room of requirements. I grinned a little, but that smile fell quickly as it came when i heard the sound of footsteps coming towards me.

I hid behind the corner, my breathing erratic. What if i had just blew it for all of my friends?

I squinted my eyes shut, steadying my breathing as i looked around the corner due to my ears not picking up any more sound. I let out a sigh of relief as nobody was strolling the hallway. I turned back to where i was hiding, gasping as my body was pressed against the wall.

My mouth opened, ready to let out a scream. That action failing as a hand was placed over it.

"Lumos," the deep voice uttered, the wand that they were holding complied, lighting up their face and mine, my eyes widening as i realised who was pressing me against the wall.

I pushed the brown haired boy off of me, failing as my strength wasn't the best compared to his.

"Sh," he uttered, "I saw you from where i was patrolling, you need to be quiet if you're roaming around the halls at night." he stated, making me roll my eyes.

"Get off of me, Mattheo, I can't deal with speaking to you right now." i glared at him.

"No, listen to me," he began, making me tilt my head slightly, "Clearly our fake relationship has gone bust because of my actions in the hallway and the library,"

"Clearly." I scoffed, him continuing.

"But i need you to know i didn't kiss her because i liked her." he spoke, looking down at my figure.

"Oh yeah?" i questioned, "Then why was it, don't bullshit me either, Mattheo."

"She said..." he trailed off, "Pansy said that if i didn't 'cheat' on you, then she'd expose that you.." he paused again, his eyes darting off to different places before continuing, "that you get abused at home, and you were adopted."

My fists balled up in anger, how the fuck did she know?

"I didn't want your secrets getting out, so i kissed her before she could tell people, of course, people had to be around at the time and make a scene. I would never, ever, cheat in a relationship -fake or real, Rosey, i only did it to protect you."

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