ridiculous || chapter 5

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tw: blood and sharp objects

My hand ached after an hour of writing lines, blood was dripping from my hand. I put down the quill Umbitch had gave me and a tear rolled out of my eye. Umbridge was busy teaching her second class of my year today. I held onto my wrist, trying to stop it from flopping completely at the numbness. Shortly after, I began packing my bag again. Tears kept running down my cheeks, i kept wiping them away until they began stopping. I sniffled a little and opened the door and began walking down the stairs, soon stopping and realising the trail of blood droplets i was leaving. I groaned a little quietly and looked to the front of the class where everyone was looking at me, including Umbridge.

"Finished so soon?" She questioned with her squeaky voice. I nodded and a tear slowly fell down my face. She made an 'approving' squeaky sound with her voice and motioned to the door, signalling for me to leave. I tried hurrying out, myself taking notice that i probably looked like an utter idiot with a tear stained face and tripped over someone's foot. I looked up and saw Mattheo smirking down at me. I furrowed my eyebrows and gripped my wrist again in pain.

"Sorry darling, here," Mattheo stuck his hand out for me to grab and i did. He pulled me up so i was standing and then took away his hand and inspected the blood dripping off of mine. He looked closely at it and raised an eyebrow, confused on what did it. He looked up at me and i immediately snatched my hand back and ran out and into the courtyard.

I got to the courtyard and luckily nobody was there, i didn't want many people seeing me in the state i was. I sat down beside a tree, where nobody could see me.

This professor was crazy, who would torture their students!?

My hand was aching and i needed to clean it up or bandage it, anything to cover it. I searched through my bag and finally found a roll of bandage that i could use, i wrapped my hand in the bandage until my whole hand was covered in a thin layer. I rested my head on the trunk of the tree and grabbed my sketchpad out of my bag and a pencil. Thoughts filled my head and i began drawing them on the pieces of paper in my hand.

The next time i looked up to the sky, the sun was beginning to set and a few people were wandering around the courtyard, taking no notice of me. I finished my final sketch and stood up, packing my things back into my bag before leaving the courtyard and began to walk to the Slytherin common room where i was hoping to see my friends after the long day.


I walked into the common room and saw everyone crowding around Pug-face.

Why is everyone there? Around her.

I raised an eyebrow and didn't even walk that close and i could hear, her squeaky, annoying voice.

"Yeah! Can you believe, Rosey Oaks has slept with almost have the boys in our year, such a fucking skank!" She squealed, everyone laughed and then froze when they saw me, almost disgust written on their faces. I clenched my fists and shoved people out of the way so i could stand in front of Pansy. "Oh look everyone! The skank has arrived! Quickly hide your boyfriends, she's guaranteed to sleep with them!" she snorted.

"Excuse me?" I furrowed my eyebrows slightly and looked at her, tilting my head.

"You heard, slut." She growled slightly.

I raised my hand and slapped her. How fucking dare she. "I'm the slut? Have you met yourself!" I began, anger swarming me, "Well, i mean now at-least you have another hobby. Spreading rumours instead of spreading your legs to almost every boy you see." I snarled and could see the embarrassment in her face, the whole common room was practically laughing at what i just said.

Toxic || Draco MalfoyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin