hogsmeade || chapter 11

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tiktok: thewalkingwattpadwriter


I zoomed around the Hogwarts grounds on my broom, pissed about the stereotypes that were allowed out of these students' mouths.

If i was headteacher, i would-

"Miss Oaks! Get down this instant!" Shrieked none other than Umbridge. I looked down and stopped my broom, groaning a little at the little ball of pink standing below me. I slowly glided down to the Professor, not making direct contact with the floor but so i was sitting on it reaching her height level. "What, exactly, are you doing on your broomstick flying around the school grounds, instead of the quidditch field?"

I let out a quiet sigh of annoyance, "Sorry, professor, I was trying to get something off of my mind."

"Yet, you couldn't do that on the quidditch field?" she questioned, her high pitched voice damaging my ears.

I shook my head, 'no', "There are quidditch trials on today, miss. I wasn't allowed to try out either."

"Yes, well that would be expected. You are a girl."

I rolled my tongue along the inside of my mouth, annoyed, "Are you serious right now!?" I yelled slightly.

"Detention Miss Oaks! For raising your voice at a staff member." she shrieked.

I scoffed and nodded my head, "Brilliant, may i go now?" i asked, clearly annoyed by this little puff ball.

She nodded her head, and before she could say anything more i dashed away on my broom into the hallways of Hogwarts, stepping off of my broom as i was sure i was far away.

I sighed, why, just why, has this school got to have such sexist, stereotypical people.


As i made my way down to my dorm, i passed a bunch of Slytherins all in casual clothes. They were all talking about the same thing, Hogsmeade day.

Of course it was today!

It happened every 2 weeks, and to be completely honest it was the best day! We got to go to a section of the wizarding world which had a sweet shop, pubs, book shops and more. I usually went with my friends but i hadn't seen them today, well apart from Lorenzo.

I opened the door to my dorm and let it close by itself, closing with a slight bang. I went into my En-suite and got out my makeup, applying a light layer of foundation before putting on some mascara.

I was still in my Slytherin quidditch uniform, but luckily i didn't play today due to Adrian Pucey being a right bitch so i didn't have to shower again.

I walked back into my room when i saw the face of none other than Mattheo Riddle sat on my bed, gazing into my eyes.

I cleared my throat, gathering his attention for him to start speaking, "Oh, sorry , aha." he continued, "I was wondering if you'd like to go to the three broomsticks with me?" he questioned and i raised an eyebrow, why would he of all people be asking me to hang out with him? Right after he decided to agree with Adrian on the field as well?

"Why?" i asked and he immediately responded.

"Well, i guess, sort of a way of saying sorry for what my family and I have done to you?" he questioned again.

I sighed and licked my dry lips a little, contemplating my decision, "Fine, just give me a few moments to get changed." he nodded his head and began making his way for the door. "Oh, and, Riddle?" i asked, gaining his attention again. "No funny business." i stated and he nodded. "Brilliant, meet me down in the common room in 10!" I winked at him playfully, turning back around and finding something to wear. I heard my door close which gave me the signal that he had left.

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