room of requirements || chapter 6

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"Awh, did i hurt your feelings riddle? good."


As my eyes darted around the room, they finally came upon his. Mattheo Riddle's.

He was getting pestered by Pansy Parkinson. She had her legs swung over his and she was running her hands through his hair. He didn't look too impressed, more annoyed. As soon as his eyes met mine, they ran up and down my clothing and then darted back to them. He raised an eyebrow and placed a toothpick in his mouth before smirking at me. I could feel a slight heat rush up to my cheeks, but i quickly looked away before he could see.

I saw Leah over by the drinks table talking to Blaise so i decided to walk over as-well. I looked at the table and the same cup colours were there from the night before. Hm..which one.. I looked up to Leah and Blaise and they were holding the same coloured cup in their hands. Green- for singles who want more than friends. I scanned the table once more before picking up a cup that was on the far right of it. Turquoise- for people who want a hookup and nothing else, no strings attached. It was about time i had some fun in my life for once. I smiled at the same actions as last nights.

"Hey!" I yelled, the music was blasting through the room—i could barely hear anything.

"Heyy girll!" Blaise yelled, slightly slurring his words.

I giggled and took a sip of my drink. The burning Fire-Whiskey slipping down my throat, making it tingle. I squinted my eyes at the slight shock of it but quickly rid the feeling and shook my head.

Leah gasped, "Rosey it's our favourite song!!" she yelled and i quickly paused to hear it.

"C'mon we need to go and dance to it!!" I yelled back and grabbed her wrist, pulling her to the centre of the room and out of Blaise's reach. I took another sip of my drink before turning around to face her. "Ready?" she nodded.

I started grinding my hips on hers, we were laughing a lot. There were cheers from around us, some people stares lingered around us, some people didn't even know what was going on but smiles still were engraved on their faces. The song finished and we burst into laughter at our actions.

I completely finished my drink by the time i was over by my friends.

"Heyyyy!" I yelled, a little slurred.

Malfoy raised an eyebrow and his eyes made his way down my body and back up again. He nodded at me a little before continuing to sip his drink.

"Got some moves, Oaks." he smirked a little.

"Thanks Ferret." I smiled a little, still slurring my words. "You know," hiccup, "your hair looks a tad like a snow ball." I said, completely out of it. He raised an eyebrow again and chuckled slightly at my comment before shaking it off.

"Who wants to play truth or dare?" yelled Lorenzo.

We all agreed and sat down on chairs in a small circle, just so we didn't disturb anyone. We got comfy and then Lorenzo started up again.

"Truth or dare..Leah." He said.

"Hm.." she thought about it for a moment before saying, "Dare! I choose Dare."

He smirked a little, "I dare you to go and admit your feelings to Weasley over there." He pointed at Ron.

She shook her head, "I might be drunk, but i'm not drunk enough to do THAT." She giggled, "Another please."

He groaned in annoyance, "Fine, i dare you to go and flirt with.." he paused, "Potter." She rolled her eyes.

"It's a dare." She shrugged and got up, walked over to Potter and began to flirt with him, running her hands through his hair.. I giggled.

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