dumbledores army || chapter 13

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tiktok: thewalkingwattpadwriter

2 weeks later•


The past few weeks have been busy, stressful even. Studying for my upcoming O.W.L.S some days, and the next training for the Dumbledore's Army.

The golden trio, otherwise known as Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ronald Weasley, had put together a group of students in favour of Dumbledore. Umbridge, or headmaster Umbridge now, chased Dumbledore out of his office, leading him to disappear with his phoenix.

Ever since then, Hogwarts has been practically the equivalent to hell. Umbridge has put up so many plaques on the walls outside of the great hall, that one small sudden movement could shatter the lot.

Mattheo and I had done very well with going on with our fake relationship, when we were around people, we would obviously make sure it seemed real by myself sitting on his lap, or kissing. But when nobody else was actually there, we would joke around, enjoying the privacy.

Myself and Lorenzo had apologised to each other. I had let him in on Mattheo and I's secret, only so he wouldn't actually think i was dating his brother. Who he later told me was his half brother; same mothers, different fathers.

Draco and Diana had broke up only a week after the argument with Lorenzo, which me and Mattheo had laughed at. But to make others think that we weren't together just to make Draco jealous, we remained 'together', which, got on Draco's nerves indefinitely when he saw us together, whether that be just laughing and joking around, or kissing and flirting. To say mine and Mattheo's relationship had grown was an understatement.

•flashback to a week ago•

I was sat on Mattheo's lap whilst the common room was full of chatter.

He had began whispering flirty comments in my ear, making me scrunch my nose up and giggle a few times. Draco had been staring at the pair of us for the whole time we were sat next to each other, and i saw in the corner of my eye and few times that he would scrunch his hands up in a fist and let out a few shaky breaths before putting his hands back to normal.

I felt Mattheo's arms snake around my waist before he pulled me right up against his chest, making me gasp under my breath at the sudden movement. He began kissing my shoulders and lower neck, making me lean my head back onto his shoulder in pleasure.

A sudden break of glass was heard from opposite us and everyone went dead silent, our eyesight suddenly strained on one person only, the only bleach blonde in the room, Draco Malfoy.

Shards of glass littered the floor, and some were poking into his hand causing drops of blood to cover the shards and run down his knuckles. He stood up abruptly, glaring at Mattheo and I before taking a deep breath, looking like he was going to say something, before storming up towards his dorm.

I looked behind me at Mattheo, guilt surrounding my face. He gave a slight smile of sympathy at me before looking at the floor of glass and spilt water.

I noticed this at the same time and knelt on the floor, being cautious to not kneel on any shards of the leftover glass.

"Rosey you're going to get yourself cut-," Mattheo began, holding my arm back.

"It doesn't matter who picks it up, Mattheo, someone's gonna get cut either way." i said bluntly.

My hands began to pick up the shards of glass that were noticeable to my eyes, piling them up in my left hand and picking through the floor with my right hand.

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