hangover || chapter 7

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"Petrificus Totalus!!"


I woke up, my head pounding, the memories of last night came rushing back. The dream from last night stayed in the back of my mind. I squinted, my head started pounding more and more as i began to focus on my surroundings.

God how much did i drink!?

I then looked down at my clothes and realised I was only dressed in my bra and panties. My eyes widened in panic and i quickly tried to remember any tiny detail that happened the night before. I squinted my eyes, rubbing my temples.

This is terrible, no way did i have my first whilst drunk!?

I need to find out from someone.

I sat up and made my way over to my bathroom to have a quick shower. I lathered some shampoo and conditioner in my hair before washing my body with my coconut and vanilla body wash and then stepping out onto the cold tiles. I wrapped a light-grey towel from my rack and slipped it around me, being very quick as like always the cold from the black lake surrounding our dorms crept in.

I went into my room and dried myself off, shortly after i put on a matching set of white undergarments whilst i looked for something to wear today. I quickly checked outside my window and it was quite sunny and clear from what i could see from the murky water. Therefore I searched through my drawers and cabinets to find a skirt and a spaghetti strap top. I picked them up and laid them out on my bed, it looked perfect. A plaid skirt with a white tank top. Amazing, just what i was looking for. I wandered over to the vertical mirror that was set on the right side of my room by my bed and checked myself out a little, liking how the skirt sat on my curve.

It was missing something. I hurried over to my jewellery box and pulled out a necklace with a feather on, holding an emerald-green stone. Enzo had given me this for my birthday in year 3, it's sort of like the one my family had given me. I clipped it around my neck and had another look in my mirror. I grabbed my wand from my bedside cabinet and used a spell to try out different hairstyles to use. I got to the final style and looked in the mirror. Two space-buns, it'll do. I quickly looked at the time on my small, grey clock hung in my room and i had missed breakfast and there was only 10 minutes until potions with Professor Snape. I quickly packed my bottomless bag and ran out my door and through the common room, trying to not bump into anyone on the way.

I ran faster than i ever did and by the time i was in the doorway of Professor Snape's classroom, i had my hands on my thighs, panting.

After a minute or so of calming down i walked in and sat next to Leah, my usual potions partner, though she gave me a nervous smile.

"Not there Miss Oaks." Snape snapped.

"Sorry sir," i paused, "Where should i sit?" I questioned. He turned around to face me and studied me before looking at other empty seats.

"Next to Mr Malfoy."

I groaned a little under my breath and rolled my eyes, "Yes, sir." I replied and walked glumly over to Malfoy before pulling out the chair next to him and sitting on it. I rubbed my temples again, due to the fact that my head was still banging.

"What's up with you?" Draco asked.

I sighed before responding, "Hangover."

He chuckled a little, "Shouldn't of drank that much then."

I rolled my eyes and looked towards the Professor as he explained what we would be doing for the lesson.

"Today we will be brewing Amortentia. The ingredients are on the board, the instructions however are on page 135 of your textbooks. You have until 10 minutes before the lesson ends. Start now." He instructed, the same dull tone in his voice. I nodded and stood up.

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