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Pov - Author's

One by one each of the 4 cars pulled into the driveway stepping out and making their way up the stairs. The last one being Younghoon himself, seeing as he didn't really have to rush.

As he entered the house he followed one of the maids down a hallway, leading to different twists and turns he had to make before reaching double doors. The small girl pushing up her circular glasses before opening them wide for the older.

As he walked in he made sure to thank the girl and went to meet his best friends. Shouts and running already taking place as the youngest two had maybe started drinking, a little. Kevin trying to get them to calm down on the beers, but to no luck. And seeing as Juyeon didn't mind it and Changmin thought it was funny, they we're left to do whatever.

I mean they weren't that loud...

Sangyeon had a fine wine in his hands. Holding it like he were a king on a throne, looking at the meer peasants who dare to drink beer before him. Hyunjae sitting far from him, but still held a hopeless look towards the man. Making the new member of the crazy bunch shake his head in disapproval.

"Younghoon, want to drink with us?!" A sort of sober Sunwoo giggled excitedly, handing over his opened beer bottle.

Quickly, the male declined and scurried off to see his beloved by the, oh so delicious chicken. Wrapping his long arms around the fragile figure, giving it a light squeeze. "Baby~" he whispered out.

Of course this action earned him an elbow to the gut. Chanhee turned around fast once he heard his lover in pain, "Oh my- I didn't know it was youu!" He tried helping the other find stable ground, but was quick to be swatted away.

"How did you not know it was me?" A sulky pout blended into his voice.

"Eric and Sunwoo have been teasing me about you... so-"

"Got it"


62k Likes 34k CommentsOldNew // It's the love shot~!Tagged - @Breadhoon

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62k Likes 34k Comments
OldNew // It's the love shot~!
Tagged - @Breadhoon

K.Moon // The night has begun.
Baecob // What wonders will we see?
AWall // Only on...
Ericbby // Total
JaeHyun // Drama
Giraffe // ISLAND!!

Breadhoon // We look cute :3


The night continued as some people tried everything in their power to avoid the other, Sangyeon and Hyunjae...

Some people sharing glances, but too scared to admit there's a problem that needs fixing, Juyeon and Eric...

Some having a hard time picking out a couple song for karaoke that's just chaotic enough, Jacob and Kevin...

Others trying to calm down their boyfriend before they finish their third bottle of alcohol, Sunwoo and Changmin...

Sharing chicken and drinks the sudden sounds of happy clinks surrounding the four boys. Happily, they watched the choas that unfolds. Wondering what their so called "friends" were doing. Haknyeon, Hwall, Chanhee, and Younghoon.

Soon the singing had ended the food was almost eaten up and spirits were riding high. So what where the 12 guys going to do? The only thing they knew how to do when drunk and bored was...

Play 7 minutes in heaven, but with a twist!

Ohhh a twistttt, yes! This time not one person will go in, not two, but three! Yes, you heard me right, three people shall have fun in the closet.

As an empty bottle was tossed onto the ground, all of the guys sat on the floor with anticipation. Who was going to land on who? What secrets would be spilled? I mean they were all borderline wasted, what could they hide?

The first spinner was up, youngest always going first as he clumsily went to the middle to spin the glass. It going around with speed as it quickly started slowing down. He crossed his fingers to land on his boyfriend.

They needed to talk and this was one way they could fix it.

But the bottle had other plans as deja-vu played with them. The bottle landing on Sunwoo.

Since there would be three people, Sunwoo had to spin it again to find that lucky third. Changmin and Juyeon already getting furious at the landing, but of course couldn't say anything.

But maybe the bottle was doing them a favor, because the last person for it to land on was Juyeon...

Get ready for some Sunwoo x Eric x Juyeon content

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