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First Couple : Younghoon x Chanhee

"You so snuggly in your penguin onsie, baby" Younghoon whispered into his new boyfriend's ear making the other shiver in his arms.

The two boys where at Chanhee's again watching lots of movies and snuggling together. They've been doing this with each other for little over a month now and in that time, Chanhee had gotten up the courage and asked Younghoon out.

Of course he said yes!

The older held one arm around the boys waist as the boy laid in between his legs. His head drapped against his shoulder and a big fluffy blanket covered the two. Innocent stomach rubs were being given.

The movie Secret Life of Pets playing as Younghoon paid close attention, but Chanhee couldn't, especially with the older's cold hands on him.

He would hum softly in the other's ear, play with his hair, and sometimes "pretended" to adjust, he really just wanted to feel his boyfriend. But of course, Younhoon thought nothing of the acts.

A couple groans leaving his mouth as he felt Chanhee basically grind down on him. Holding his waist gently for him to stop, "Please, stop moving"


It was the innocent tone that came with this question, the boy turning his body around and straddling him. Big doe eyes starring, waiting for a clean answer.

"B-because..." that's when the older looked down in embarrassment. He always thought that the younger was a clean child and never wanted to bring up doing it, but now how could he tell him that he was getting hard just from Chanhee moving on him.

Now it was the younger's turn to rub his hands up and down Younghoon's stomach, "Come on, don't be a baby, tell me"

They locked eyes with that sentence, the boy smirking when he noticed the nervous look on the other's face. He gently strocked a hand though his hair before pulling it closer to his face. "I'm really horny right now, danggg" Chanhee puffed out before grinding down again in his lap.

Younghoon quickly releasing a shaky moan and grabbing the others hips tighter. "The movie... we need to finish the movie"

The boy on top got frustrated at the reply and simply got off his boyfriend to his room. Stomping like a kid all the way up there, pulling his penguin onsie hood over his head.

"Aish, your such a kid. Wait... Chanhee!" He tried gaining the attention of the other, but was disappointed with a slam in his face. He held the tail of his puppy onsie and swung it back and forth, debating if he should go after him.

Without another thought the TV was turned off and he was scurring to his boyfriend's room. Opening the door slowly to an adorable sight. Chanhee had red painting his cheeks as he quickly got out of the stuff he wore.

Leaving him in his black boxers. Rushing over to Younghoon when he spotted him. His hands worked fast as the door was shut and the older was pressed against it. Chanhee slowly unzipped the onsie leaving kisses ever time new patch of skin showed up. Younghoon's fingers gently running through his hair.

"Your skin is so milky... love it" the younger whispered once he finally got to the top of the other's boxers. The onsie falling off his shoulders and plummeting to the floor.

Chanhee kneeled down, his tongue started to tace the older's v-line, stopping everytime the material got in the way. Soon both of them we're hard and needy for the other. Younghoon quickly scooping him up and tossing him on the bed.

The other quickly scrambled up on his knees, the soft material under him making him happy, finally he would be able to feel his boyfriend. In more ways then one...

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