Untitled Part 66

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"Brian?" Tatum called out.

We just got back on the bus to finish the last month of the tour. Tatum and I spent the whole week packing up our house so we can move when we get back. Most of it is done. The rest will be packed and moved by the movers.

We had some very long talks this past week as well. I did talk with her about going to see the doctor that Brooks recommended. She agreed, stating that I should consider it too. I'm not keen on the idea of it, but I don't see where it would hurt anything either.

We also talked a lot about Michelle, Matt and Val. Something we had done in the past, but not to the extent of this. Both of us were able to clear the air about how those relationships came to an end and how shitty we both felt at the end of them. We knew for the most part how the other one felt, but I hadn't gone into a lot of my relationship with Michelle to her before.

Both of us agreed that this was the closing of that chapter in our lives. Tatum also agreed to be decent with both Michelle and Val, as long as they give her the same respect.

Shouldn't be a problem after the incident at Zack's house.

Then we came to the final talk about Matt. The two of them never really sorted much out any of the times they spoke in the past. Matt would talk to Tatum some, then pull some stupid shit after. Tatum was willing to actually sit and talk with him to put everything to rest. I'm assuming that this will happen some time on the tour.

"Yeah babe?" I asked, looking up from my magazine.

"I got ya something." She smiled, sitting down.

Johnny looked away and held a hand over his mouth. I eyed her up curiously. Uh huh. Those two just got done inside of Walmart. They are up to something.

"And what did you get me?" I grinned.

Tatum smiled, and held up a whistle on the end of a necklace. Johnny busted up laughing and so did She. I glared at her.

"A rape whistle?!" I yelled, hearing everyone laugh.

"It's for your own safety, Brian! Stranger Danger, God!" She said defensively.

I couldn't hold it in anymore. I busted up laughing and kissed her cheek. She giggled at me.

"Fuck it. I'm wearing it." I grinned, putting it on.

"It's bright orange too. That way you can see it. Johnny said that the black one would blend in too much with your outfits." She smiled.

"He did, did he?" I glared at Johnny.

"Just helping is all." He smiled at me.

"Thanks baby. I love it." I smiled, kissing her quickly.

"You're dead." I mouthed to Johnny.

He smirked and gave me the finger. Tatum laid down and put her head in my lap. I stroked her hair as I read my magazine. Glancing up, I saw Matt grin and sit down across from us. We haven't seen him since the day at Zack's house.

"How are we doing, kids?" Matt asked us.

"Good." I said.

"You're acting nervous around me. You afraid I'm gonna hit you again?" Tatum asked, getting snickers from everyone.

"I'm terrified of you. Just like all of us are." Matt smiled at her.

"Eat a dick, Sanders. What's really on your mind?" She grinned.

"Val is going to be coming out in about a week." Matt told us.

"And?" Tatum asked, getting a glare from Matt.

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