Untitled Part 39

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"How is she?" I heard Matt whisper.

"Tired and sore as all hell. What are you doing here man?" Brian asked quietly.

I've been home from the hospital for two days. Brian has set up a bedroom in his living room so I don't have to climb the stairs. I tired telling him it wasn't necessary, but he told me to not talk. Doctors orders.

My eyes opened from the bed Brian brought down to the living room. He hasn't left my side except to shower, and then he's barely in the bathroom. That has to be a record for him, since he spends more time on his own hair than I do.

"Just seeing how she was. I brought these for her. Just tell her I stopped by." Matt sighed.

"Yeah. Sure." Brian said.

"This is my fault, you know that? Had I not acted like a dick, she wouldn't be hurt." Matt told Brian.

"We don't know that. It could of happened regardless. I will say this, you need to leave her alone. So help me fucking God, if you talk to her like that again, I won't stop beating your ass." Brian hissed.

"I know. I want to apologize to her. And you." Matt said.

"Wait until she is better, ok?" Brian sighed.

"Ok. Anyways, I'll see you." Matt said.

I watched Brian tiptoe into the room. He set down a vase of yellow roses. I rolled my eyes. Yes, I'm still pissed at Matt after all of this. Brian turned and jumped when he saw me staring at him. I grinned.

"Hey. Sorry. Matt stopped by." He mumbled.

I shrugged at him. Brian nodded a little and shifted on his feet awkwardly. I blinked at him. He doesn't want to tell me something.

"Um, not sure how to tell you this, but your mom can't come by today to help you with a shower. Lacy, Gena, and Janelle are all tied up with stuff too." He cringed.

My eyes went wide. Oh god. I need a shower desperately too. I can't wait another day. I just can't do it. Brian's face went red. I wrote on a piece of paper for him to see. He leaned over and read it.

"Uh. Yeah. I mean. Yeah. I can, um, help." He said nervously.

I snickered at him. Brian flipped me off and laughed. He carefully helped me up and down the hall to the bathroom. He started the shower, while I looked at my bruised eye and the cut on my cheek. God, I hurt so much. I feel deja vu all over again. I look terrible. My shoulder is bruised badly from being stabbed. My neck is one giant bruise from being choked. My eyes are red from broken blood vessels. Several scratches and scrapes went up the side of my neck. I'm a disaster.

"Ok. So, how are we doing this?" He asked, his face still red.

I rolled my eyes, signaling for him to take his shirt off. He laughed a little and nodded. I unbuttoned my shirt, feeling butterflies in my stomach. I'm just as nervous as him.

I glanced at Brian who is now in just his boxers. He rubbed the back of his neck nervously, and walked over to me. I sighed and leaned my head on his bare chest. When his arms wrapped around me, I didn't want to move.

Tears went down my face out of nowhere. I haven't cried since I woke up in the hospital.

"Shhh." Brian said quietly, hugging me against him.

"Jimmy said it wasn't time for me." I whispered in a sob.

Brian's body stiffened. Very carefully he leaned back to look at me worried.

"Did you say Jimmy?" He asked while I nodded.

"You'll never believe me." I whispered.

"I think I will. Wait right here." He said, leaving the bathroom.

My Other Half (Avenged Sevenfold)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ