Untitled Part 1

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I I sighed when I looked in the mirror at my reflection. A long baby blue dress clung to my body. It's a floor length dress with spaghetti straps. It's pretty, however, it's just not me.

My light brown hair is piled on top of my in a mass of curls. That should be fun taking all of those bobbypins out tonight. Light blue eyeshadow with black eyeliner rimmed my light brown eyes. Diamond studded earrings glittered in the light.

I'm in a wedding today for my cousin Joe. His soon to be wife Janelle asked me to be a bridesmaid. I was all for it. I really was. Until they told me who I would be walking down the aisle with.

His name is Shane. He is my cousin's best friend since childhood. Why, I don't know exactly. He's a fucking douche. I've hated Shane since we were kids. Any time I went to my cousin's house, Shane was there. And he was always an asshole.

Most women would find Shane attractive, with his tall figure, and dark hair and matching eyes. Until he opens his fucking mouth. The stupid shit that he says is just so far off from anything that anyone should have to listen to. He is rude, abrasive, and drunk.

Most people in this world have a goal. Shane's goal was to get drunk and work at fucking Costco for the rest of his life. I kid you not. He is a waste of air and space in this world.

I heard someone say it was time to line up. I groaned even louder. I slowly made my way to find dumbass Shane. Shane smirked at me. I stood next to him, feeling him yank me into him hard.

"Yo! I got a fly ass bitch right here!" Shane laughed to everyone.

See what I mean about stupid shit He says? Kill me now. It will be less painful.

I glared, elbowing him in his ribs. The others in the wedding party gave me sympathetic smiles. Thanks guys. Pity me.

As I walked down the aisle with Shane, I felt irritated that I was paired up with him. The hulking guy in front of me with dimples and tattoos would of worked. Or hell, the guy behind me with the dark spikey hair and chocolate colored eyes would of worked. But no, I got dumbfuck Shane. Fucking asshole.

I was glad the ceremony was short and sweet. I'm happy for my cousin and his new wife. I really am. I smiled as they walked down the aisle.

When it was my turn, I glared at Shane, reluctantly taking his arm. We made it down the aisle without incident at least.

"Ya know, you and me could hook up later on. Get all of the sexual tension between us out of the way." Shane sneered.

I'd like to take this time to inform everyone that I have severe anger issues. When I say severe, I mean I've been to anger management three times in group settings and multiple one on one sessions. Shane is testing every calming ability I have at the moment.

I felt my hands shake slightly as I glared at him. Shane smiled, pulling out a flask from his dress pants. He took a swig, then offered it to me. I knocked it out of his hands, listening to it hit the ground.

"You've always been such a fucking bitch." Shane snapped, grabbing his flask.

I watched him stomp away. I snickered under my breath a little. Good. Fucking prick.

"Hey!" My blonde haired, blue eyed cousin smiled at me.

I lit up when I saw his happy face. I reached over and hugged him hard.

"I'm so happy for you!" I smiled at Joe.

"Thanks. I'm so glad you agreed to be in the wedding. I'm sorry about Shane." Joe sighed.

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