Untitled Part 24

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I sighed as I pulled in the driveway from being at the studio. I was anxious for tonight. Tatum has been leaving the house more and more the last few weeks. She's done well with going to dinner and even shopping. Tonight we are going to Johnny's Bar for some drinks with everyone.

I was rather confused why Brian's car is in my driveway though. He never said he was coming over today, and he knew I'd be at the studio. I felt my temper boiling already.

As I walked through the door of the house, I found both of them sitting in the kitchen laughing about something. Why am I pissed off that he is here? I know they are friends. I know that they dated briefly, and I trust both of them. So why does it bother me so much?

"Hey!" Tatum smiled, getting up.

She gave me a quick kiss, while Brian waved at me. I nodded at him and gave her a tight smile.

"What's up?" I managed to ask.

"Waiting for you to get home is all. How was the studio?" Tatum asked me.

"Oh. It was fine. Nothing exciting." I shrugged.

"Glad you're here. I wanted you to look over these lyrics." Brian said, producing some papers.

"Yeah. Sure." I said, taking them from him.

My mind was on everything but the lyrics. I scanned over them, the whole time wanting to punch my friend in his fucking face. The lyrics were really good though, I'll give him that.

"Nice. We should go over everything tomorrow." I told Brian.

"Cool. You guys coming out tonight?" He asked me.

"Yeah. We will be there." I told him.

"Good. I'm gonna pick up Michelle and I'll see you guys then." He said, walking to the door.

As soon as he shut the door, I found myself cracking my neck. Tatum crossed her arms and glared at me. I guess it's obvious I'm not happy.

"I didn't invite him over, so get that shit out of your head." She glared at me.

"Didn't say you did." I glared.

"Then what is the problem, Matt?" She asked.

"Nothing! Fuck!" I almost yelled.

"What are you so pissed off about? I bet if it had been Johnny or Zack, you wouldn't have an issue." She snapped.

"Tatum, you're pushing it with me today." I snarled.

Goddamn, Matt. Calm the fuck down! I keep telling myself this, but I can't. I still feel like Brian has feelings for Tatum and it bothers the living fuck out of me.

"And you're pushing it with me. You act like this any time that Brian and I hang out alone. I'll tell you right now, I'd crack his fucking skull open if he did anything to me." She growled.

I always know when Tatum is past the point of being annoyed with me. When she is really pissed at me, such as now, her hands start to shake and she bounces her leg if she is sitting. Surprisingly, I haven't seen her this way in a while. Maybe getting her out of the house has brought out the feisty girl I adore so much. Regardless, she's actually pissed at me. Really pissed.

"Seriously, Matt. Brian and I are friends. You have female friends that I don't say shit about." She said, her voice raising.

"I didn't date any of them, did I?" I threw at her.

Well, I just fucked up even more with her. Not only is she beyond pissed at me, she's hurt. Really hurt. Those two emotions together are a dangerous combination with this woman. She may kill me in my sleep. I'm actually nervous now. Rarely does a woman intimidate me. Tatum is scaring the hell out of me now.

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