Untitled Part 58

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I can hear Tatum screaming again. It is that same blood curdling scream as it was that night. My heart is in my throat in an instant. I have to get to her.

My eyes shot open. I'm panting hard. I glanced around the bus. Fuck, I must of fallen asleep on the couch. Shaking my head a little, I hear sobbing. A female sobbing. Wait, what the fuck?

I'm so exhausted tonight that I can't seem to fully wake up. My brain is telling me to get my ass up and check on Tatum, but my body is telling me to stay put.

"Brian!" I heard Matt yell.

Nothing like M Shadows practically screaming at you to wake you up. I'm definitely awake now.

I bolted off the couch and down towards the bunks. Everyone is awake by now, gathering around the bunk I share with Tatum. I can see Zack sitting in the bed hugging her. Tatum is hysterical.

Her doctor prescribed some sleeping pills for her recently, and this week has been awful for her. She becomes hysterical, but she isn't fully awake when she's like this. She remembers nothing the next morning.

"You're ok." Zack whispered, giving me a worried gaze.

"Just...don't leave me there with him." She sobbed.

"No way. I'd never do that." He said quietly. "Lay down. You're alright."

Tatum complied with his request, but didn't let go of Zack. Zack gave me a pleading look that basically said for me to not kick his ass. I rolled my eyes and nodded at him. Do I like it? Fuck no I don't. But, she is calming down and that is all I care about at the moment.

"Jesus man." Johnny sighed next to me.

"What is she taking?" Matt asked me.

"Ambien I think?" I said.

"Oh fuck. I used to take that shit too. Right after Jimmy passed. I had some of the most fucked up dreams of my life. That's one of it's main side effects." Matt said.

"Stupid fucking doctor. Fuck that guy. I'll find her a different one." I grumbled.

"Here. Call her. She's awesome." Brooks told me, handing me a business card.

"She?" I asked.

"Yeah. She. Dr. Mitchell does a lot with trauma and prescribing medication." He shrugged.

"A shrink?" I asked surprised.

"Yeah. She helped my brother out a lot when he quit drinking. She's the best." He told me.

"It's worth a shot, man. You two can't keep living like this. Especially Tatum." Zack whispered.

He's right. We can't keep living like this. Tatum feels awful the next day when I tell her about the previous evening. This last week has been hell on all of us.

I grabbed the pills and dumped them in the garbage. I'll call the new doctor after we are done getting married. And once I convince Tatum to go. That should be fun. Note the sarcasm.

"Don't bring this up to her tomorrow, please? We are getting married in forty eight hours, and I'd just like to have her happy until then." I said to them.

"We won't." Zack promised me.

"Good. Now get the fuck away from my fiance." I grinned at him.

"Knew that wouldn't take long." Matt snickered.

I climbed into the bed beside her. Tatum rolled so she was laying half on top of me like she has done since that night. I'm used to it now, and I couldn't imagine falling asleep any other way. I heard her whimper quietly.

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