Untitled Part 49

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I laid in the bunk Brian and I share. Brian and Zack had an interview to go to. Johnny was out spending some time with Lacy who had showed up for a few days.

Who did this leave me with alone on the bus? Matt. I try not to interact with him too much. It just feels weird. He is polite to both Brian and I now, which is also weird. I guess I just don't really know what to say to him at this point. There really isn't much left to say. I'm no longer hurt and angry. I just kind of feel nothing towards him. It's so strange.

I'm starving as I lay here though. Fuck! That means I'm going to have to make an appearance while he is here. I crept out of the bunk and didn't see him. Feeling relieved, I went into the kitchen area. Well, I found him. Shit!

"Hey." He grinned, looking up from the counter.

"Hey." I smiled politely.

I have no idea what the hell He was making to eat. I dug through the fridge for a yogurt and shut the door. Just as I looked at Matt again, my heart stopped.

Something I have yet to get over is, my fear of knives. If it is anything larger than a paring knife, I will not touch it. Hell, I have Brian cut up whatever I need when I cook. Even then, I leave the room.

Seeing Matt pull a large butcher knife out of the drawer almost made me pass out. I dropped the yogurt in my hand. Matt looked over at me with his eyebrows scrunched together.

"Tatum?" He asked quietly.

"Please don't." I whimpered, backing away.

My eyes haven't left the knife. My throat feels like it just closed up. I can't breathe again. I can feel the knife being rammed into my shoulder all over again. I backed against the wall of the kitchen.

"Shit!" Matt hissed.

He dropped the knife in his hands. I jumped, watching him take a cautious step closer to me.

"Tay, it's just me. I'm...I'm sorry. I didn't think...you have to breathe, ok?" He said calmly.

"I can't." I sobbed out, gasping for air.

Matt came closer, stopping in front of me. I'm about to pass out from not being able to breathe. I feel like my head is under water again.

"Tatum, listen to me." Matt said calmly.

"It's just us here. I promise nothing will happen to you. No one will ever hurt you again." He said calmly.

I nodded a little, panting for air. Matt gently pushed the hair out my face and made me look up at him.

"Take a deep breath with me." He said, slowly sucking in air.

I copied his movements. Then did it again. It felt like hours before my breathing returned to normal. Finally I relaxed a little. I was still crying, but not as bad. Matt nodded and just hugged me. The strange thing? I let him.

"I'm so fucking sorry, Tatum. Not just about this, but about everything." He said quietly.

I couldn't respond. I just continued to cry. I feel like a dumbass, but I can't help it.

"What the hell is going on?" I heard Brian ask behind us.

"Calm down, man." Matt said to him.

"I will not calm down when she is crying." Brian shot back.

"What the hell is going on?" Brian asked again.

"I didn't think, ok? I used a large knife to cut something up. I'm sorry." Matt sighed.

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