Untitled Part 2

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"So what do you do for a living?" Brian asked me.

"Oh. Nothing exciting. I work as a bank teller and go to school. I do online classes." I said.

"You work full time?" Matt asked.

"Part time. It's ok." I shrugged, looking at the sun setting.

"What about you guys?" I asked.

Both of them raised their eyebrows at me rather surprised. Brian and Matt exchanged an awkward look, then looked back at me.

"We are in the music industry." Matt stated.

"And that means what exactly?" I asked, taking a drink.

"Uh, we produce songs and videos. Sometimes write them." Brian said awkwardly.

"You're awfully secretive about it. Sounds like the porn industry is what you're really into." I said.

They laughed hard, shaking their heads at me. I don't understand why they won't just tell me what they do exactly. I find it odd.

"We can assure you that we are not in the porn industry." Brian smiled at me.

"Saying you're in the music industry is like saying I'm in the financial industry. It's a wide variety that you have." I shrugged.

"True." Matt grinned mischievously at me.

"Hey. There's Johnny and Zack." Brian nodded.

I watched as two other guys walked up. Both loaded with tattoos up their arms and on their necks. One of them turned and smiled at me. His pale green eyes were mesmerizing.

"Hey! I'm Zack." He smiled, shaking my hand.

"Tatum." I grinned.

"I'm Johnny." The shortest one said.

"Nice to meet you guys." I said.

"Why are you guys out here?" Zack asked us.

"This one right here." Matt grinned, pointing at me.

I rolled my eyes, finishing off my drink.

"Must of been Shane." Johnny muttered.

"Did my cousin talk to all of you about me or something?" I asked.

"Yep. And so did Janelle." Brian chuckled.

"Dicks." I grumbled.

"Tay?" I heard behind me.

I smiled at the voice. My father grinned at me. I love my dad. He is shorter than me, has glasses. His once dark blonde hair is now almost white. We share the same nose and smile.

"Hey dad." I smiled, standing up to hug him.

"Hey sweetie. I'm taking off. Joe said you would be out here. I see you have backup." My dad said, staring at the guys.

"She does. We are trying to keep the peace is all." Brian smiled at my dad.

"Good. Listen Tatum, there is no hitting, no elbows to the ribs, no smacking anyone or punching them. Oh, and no kicking or biting." My dad lectured me.

I can hear all of the guys choking on their laughter behind me. I smiled, nodding at my dad.

"I won't." I smiled.

"Bullshit. Don't dick me around, Tay. You are itching to. I can see it." My father glared.

"Jesus christ, dad! I won't do anything." I sighed.

My Other Half (Avenged Sevenfold)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum