Untitled Part 67

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I don't want to talk to anyone today. I want to lock myself away in a room and forget this last year. Well, everything except Brian and I getting married.

Sighing to myself, I stared up the ceiling. If I cannot give Brian a baby some day, I may flip my shit entirely. I know he says he won't be disappointed, but how could he not be?

I flipped on my side and stared at the wall some more. I hate feeling like this. The feeling of hating everyone and everything for no real reason other than I'm pissed off at life. I want to just sleep until everything calms down. But I can't. Instead, I have to put on a face and pretend shit is just fine.

Climbing out of the bunk, I pulled my hair up on top of my head. Maybe coffee will make me less bitchy. Yeah, right. I'm a bitch before and after coffee.

"Good morning, my little spitfire." Zack grinned at me.

I glanced at him, continuing to the kitchen area.

"I got ya coffee!" Johnny practically yelled.

For fucksake! That short little bastard appeared out of nowhere like a goddamned magical gnome. I about had a heart attack. I jumped and shrieked, while Johnny cringed. He smiled nervously, handing me the mug.

"Sorry. Drink that. You'll feel better." He grinned.

I tilted my head to the side, eyeing him up. Johnny cleared his throat nervously and gave me a quick grin.

"What are you up to man?" I asked.

"I can't get ya coffee?" He asked.

I just stared at him.

"You, uh, look nice." He said, brushing past me.

What the fuck? I look nice? I look like hell in a handbasket. I just got out of bed after bawling my eyes out all night.

"Hey Tay. How are ya?" Brooks asked casually, walking into the kitchen.

"Fine. And you?" I asked.

"Good." He smiled.

What the hell is this today? All of them are being extremely sensitive and nice this morning. Except two. Matt and Brian. Speaking of which, where the hell is my husband?

"Where is my husband?" I asked them.

"Out with Matt." Johnny said.

I nodded a little and drank my coffee. I sat down at the table and gazed out the window. My mind felt hazy almost. No real clear thoughts could form. In a way it was peaceful. My mind did nothing but race yesterday.

"Why are you so quiet this morning?" Zack asked, sitting at the table.

"No reason." I shrugged.

"Ya gonna talk to me or keep me at bay for now?" He asked.

"I know Brian told all of you what is going on with me." I said.

"He didn't do it to be an asshole, Tay. He did it because He had no other choice." Zack said.

"He has a choice. He doesn't have to take me to my appointment. I can get a cab." I told him.

"You are hilarious, woman. You think that any of us, let alone Brian of all people, would let you take a fucking cab to an appointment like that?" Zack grinned.

"I'll be fine." I sighed.

"Sure ya will. Because Brian is going. Johnny got in his ass when Brian started worrying about how he would be able to pull off both the appointment and the show. We've got it covered. You need him there, and he needs to be there." Zack told me.

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