Untitled Part 27

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My life feels like it is slowly back to normal these days. The death of my brother hurt a lot. I knew that his death would happen one day, since he had such a love for drugs. I miss him. I've missed him for many years. I miss the person He used to be. I don't miss the person He became once heroin took over his life.

Then there was the guilt of the last time I saw him alive. I yelled at him and made him leave my cousin's house. I knew I had to though. He would of robbed everyone blind. I just couldn't do it anymore.

It's been three months since his funeral. Three months since Matt and I had a massive fight. I'm happy to report that Matt has kept his promise about Brian and I being friends. If he has issues with us hanging out, he does a good job of hiding it. Most times when Brian and I hang out, Michelle is usually with. I don't mind it at all. I really like Michelle. We get along surprisingly well.

I recently found another banking job. I'm part time, but I don't mind it. Matt pissed and moaned about me working, but eventually let it go. He told me it was pointless for me to work when he could take care of me. I'm just not wired that way. I don't want anyone taking care of me. I love being independent.

I was upstairs in the kitchen, putting dishes away. I went to turn on the stereo and paused. What the fuck is this shit playing? That's not my CD. Fucking Beyonce? I hit the next button, only to find fucking Justin Timberlake? Where the fuck is my Cannibal Corpse CD?

I can hear the guys laughing downstairs in Matt's man cave. All of them are over, plus the Berry Twins. I yanked the two CD's out of the stereo and marched downstairs.

"It's my man cave, babe. You know the rules." Matt smirked at me.

"Fuck the rules. Which one of you asstards put this shit in the stereo?" I growled.

"She's doing it again! The whole exorcist thing!" Matt Berry grinned at me.

They find it amusing to say that I look like the exorcist when I'm pissed. They probably aren't far from the truth with that.

"Hey! Spin your head around again at me, and I'll show you a fucking demon." I told him.

They all chuckled, while Matt looked at me with an innocent smile.

"What's going on now babe?" He asked.

"Fucking goddamn Beyonce? Justin Timberlake? Where is my Cannibal Corpse CD?" I demanded.

"I have no idea." Matt told me.

"Brian? This seems like something you would do." I glared.

"Oh come on! Why me!?" He laughed.

"Because you're an asshole and we all know it." I said.

"True." He shrugged.

"Johnny?" I asked.

"No! Fuck no!" He yelled.

"You pussy. But, I believe you." I grinned, listening to them laugh.

"Zack?" I asked.

"Nope. I want to keep both of my balls." He smiled at me.

"Huh. That leaves you three. Jason, you're nervous." I said, glaring at him.

"Because you're terrifying. Why wouldn't I be?" He grinned.

"Matt?" I asked.

"Which one?" Both Matt's asked.

"Sorry. Double Mint Gum Twin." I smiled at the twin.

"No! No, no, no!" He laughed nervously.

"Matt?" I glared at my Matt.

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