Untitled Part 60

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I can hear Tatum and Zack snickering about something as we flew to Vegas the next morning. I was more than thankful that we decided on taking a private jet this time. All of us wanted privacy.

"Ok. Next question. Does your partner satisfy all of your sexual needs?" Zack laughed out.

My eyes went wide at the question. I jumped up and turned around in my seat, looking over the back of it.

"Why the fuck are you asking her that shit?" I yelled at Zack.

"It's Cosmo's soul mate quiz, Brian. Calm down." Zack smirked.

"Move on to the next question." I glared, sitting back down.

"Afraid of the answer, Gates?" Matt asked, staring at a magazine.

"Nope. I know the answer to that one. It's something that doesn't need to be discussed with you assholes." I replied, pulling out a magazine.

"Sure about that?" Matt asked, still looking at his magazine.

I took a deep breath to calm myself. This is a happy day. Matt has been in a pissy mood all morning. I have a feeling it has to do with the fact that Tatum and I are getting married today.

Matt shot his eyes up at me when I didn't answer. Great. He isn't going to let this go. I sighed and tossed my magazine aside.

"Something you need to get off your chest?" I asked him.

"You never answered my question. You sure she's truly satisfied?" Matt sneered at me.

My fists clenched. I may kill my best friend today.

"Know what? Let me double check." I glared.

"Hey babe! What was your answer to the question I just freaked out about? I know you told Zack!" I called out, hearing her laugh.

"You know me too well." She giggled.

"And the answer is?" I asked, keeping my eyes on Matt.

"There are no words to describe how satisfied I am. I'm a hundred percent satisfied." She said.

I smiled, more like smirked at Matt. Matt chuckled quietly.

"Happy now?" I asked him.

"You boys done with your dick swinging contest? Zack and I have important shit to discuss." Tatum called out.

All of us snickered but Matt. He rolled his eyes and went back to his magazine. I went back to my own magazine and tuned Matt out for the rest of the flight.

We were greeted at the airport by my family and Tatum's family. Gena and Lacy were also there. I realized that Val most likely wasn't going to show up. I had expected this much, but that may also be some of Matt's problem today too.

I shoved those thoughts aside as we greeted everyone. Plans were made for us to split up and meet at the hotel. I kissed Tatum goodbye before we parted ways.

I already hate that she isn't by my side. Christ, am I being too overbearing? Am I not giving her enough room to breathe? What if she gets sick of me constantly being there and leaves my ass? Oh fuck, what if she doesn't show up tonight?

I spent most of the afternoon being quiet, lost inside of my own head. Feelings of sadness and panic washed through me. Fuck, I need to get it together.

"Hey kid, she's gonna show up. Calm down." Jim said to me a while later.

I looked up at him and my dad surprised. All of us are in Zack's room getting ready. I've been ready for a while. I'm mainly just waiting now.

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