Untitled Part 45

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"Babe? Why didn't you tell me it was your birthday tomorrow?" Brian asked me.

It is a week before we leave for tour. I had forgotten about my birthday. Too much bullshit this past year has made me forget that I'm turning thirty tomorrow. I looked up at him and sighed.

"I seriously forgot until you just said something." I said.

"Not to be a dick, but you're taking your Adderall, right?" He asked worried.

"Every single day." I grinned a little.

"Ok. That makes me feel better." He smiled.

"You honestly forgot about your own birthday? The only reason I knew about it is because your mom talked my ear off for the last hour on the phone." He smiled.

My parents absolutely love Brian. The did like Matt, but for some reason, they love Brian. I'm almost positive that if Brian said they could move into his house, they would. Hell, my dad talks to Brian more than he does me anymore. I giggled at him.

"I learned all about how you used to tell your mom to fuck off when you were sixteen. You should apologize to her." He smirked.

"You can fuck off." I smiled, watching him laugh.

"You seriously egged the principal's car of the private Catholic school you went to?" He asked amused.

"I never said I was a role model." I glared.

I can hear the guys laughing in the other room at us. They had been over talking about the tour and hanging out. Surprisingly enough, Matt has been decent to both Brian and I. I don't trust him, but I'll take that over being called a whore any day.

"No shit your not." He laughed.

"And what is this shit about teepeeing a church on Christmas Eve of all fucking days? For real babe, even I wasn't that bad." He smiled.

"Shut the fuck up, Brian! You were ten times worse!" Zack yelled.

"What else did my family inform you of?" I glared.

"You bit Joe on the stomach and refused to let go, all because you knew you'd be in trouble when you did. He had to get stitches?" He asked with a smile.

"He's always been a pussy!" I yelled, hearing them all laugh harder.

"Well, I do agree, but that is a little harsh. Don't ya think?" He chuckled.

"Keep it up asshole, and I'll kick your motorcycle over." I smiled, watching his face fall.

I can hear the guys out there going oooohhhh at us. Brian narrowed his eyes at me and took a step forward. He leaned into my ear.

"That kind of shit will get you spanked, baby girl." He whispered, sending a chill down my spine.

"Well, hell. I'll go do it then." I shrugged.

"That totally backfired." He mumbled.

I just giggled at him. He smiled and kissed me quick. I heard Brooks groan from the living room.

"Goddamn it Thor! No! You are not a lap dog!" Brooks yelled.

"For chrissake. This dog is a bigger pussy than Joe." I sighed at Brian who laughed.

I went out to the living room to rescue Brooks from Thor. Brooks chuckled at me as I got him down.

"Sorry. I thought my cousin was a pussy, but Thor has him beat." I smiled at him.

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