Untitled Part 52

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"Baby?" I whispered to Tatum the next morning.

"I'm alive." She muttered.

"Thank god." I said, watching one of her eyes open at me.

"How are you feeling?" I asked.

"Fine. Why?" She asked, sitting up.

I stared in awe at her. With as shitfaced as she was last night, I was waiting for the hangover of a lifetime. She seems unaffected by any of it.

"You're for real? No hangover?" I asked surprised.

"No. I don't get hangovers. Thank my uncle for that. I drank enough with him when I was younger." She shrugged.

"Damn. I'm really impressed." I muttered.

"Brian, I need to tell you something." She said.

My heart stopped beating. Oh god. What the fuck does that mean? Please, please, please do not say she wants to break up.

"I haven't been there for you. I've only been worried about myself. I'm sorry. I feel really, really bad." She told me.

I just stared at her. I wasn't sure what She was going to say. After the way I acted last night, she's worried about me? As if I wasn't in love with her enough before, I felt like my love grew ten thousand times as much now.

"But-" I started to say.

"I've only been worried about me. I know this has been hard on you too, and I feel like I've been so selfish." She said.

"Tatum, you haven't been selfish at all. That was a lot to deal with. I can't even try to put myself in your shoes." I said.

"And I can't put myself in yours. I know what you saw was horrible." She told me.

"It was." I whispered, surprising myself.

"I thought you were dead and I'd never, ever see you again. I wanted to tell you how much I loved you. How much I was sorry for letting you go. How I needed you with me." I said, watching her tears fall.

"And then you wouldn't breathe. At the last second, you did. But then I worried you weren't really with it. Like your mind was gone and your body was still here." I said.

"I heard you that night. You were yelling for me to breathe." She whispered.

"You heard me?" I asked surprised.

"Yeah. I heard everyone. It was the weirdest thing that ever happened to me." She said.

"I'm so fucking sorry about last night. Did I hurt you? Please be honest with me." I begged.

"No. Not physically. You scared me more than anything. Then I was pissed. Look, I told Zack what happened last night....sort of. I didn't get into specific details, and I threatened to break every one of his fingers if he brought it up to anyone. You included." She said.

"Well, this is embarrassing." I said surprised.

"I'm sorry." She said looking away.

"Tatum, don't be sorry. You needed someone to talk to. Zack won't ever say anything if you tell him not to. That's even without a threat of breaking bones." I grinned.

She giggled a little at me. She nodded and sighed.

"I'm allowed to have male friends, Brian. I don't want to be an asshole about this, but-" I held up my hand and nodded.

"When I said I was wrong, I meant about everything. Seeing Sid last night touch you like that put me in a rage. I know he's weird and all, but still. It wasn't cool of him to do, and I should of kept myself in check." I told her.

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