Untitled Part 9

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"Oh fuck." I whispered in a panic.

I got off of Brian's lap, feeling their eyes on me.

"Babe?" Brian asked.

"I'll...I'll be right back." I whispered, not looking at any of them.

My legs feel shakey walking into my cousin's house. Why, why, why?! I love my brother, I really do. But the man that he is now, I don't love.

I came around the corner and gasped when I saw my brother Adam. Adam is taller than I am by about five inches. His once muscular frame is nothing but bones and skin. The light brown eyes that danced mischievously at me once, are now dull and lifeless. His black hair looks greasy from not being washed all the time. His clothes hung on him. But what got me the most was his skin. He is so pale and almost a grey color. This is not my brother. This man looks two steps away from being in a grave.

"Hey Tay." Adam said weakly.

"What are you doing here?" I demanded.

"I need help." Adam sighed.

"I'll take you to rehab." I offered.

"No! I just need a fix. I'm dope sick. Please." He begged, walking closer to me.

"Get out." I growled.

"Tatum, I'm begging you." He said desperately.

"Get the fuck out!" I screamed.

Adam looked dejected and sad. He looked over at Joe and Janelle, silently begging them. No. I'm not letting them do this.

"Joe, please?" Adam begged.

"Get the fuck out, Adam!" I yelled even louder.

"You, uh, need to go." Joe whispered.

Adam slowly turned and walked out the door. Angry tears pierced my eyes. This is what happens if you give in and help Adam out. He will keep coming back.

"Fuck!" I yelled, whirling at my cousin.

"Do you get it now?! This is what happens! Adam will keep coming back!" I yelled at Joe.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." Joe sighed.

"Sweetie, let's go into the kitchen." Janelle offered.

"No! Fuck that! If he comes here again, call the fucking cops!" I yelled, storming out the front door.

I looked around to make sure my brother was no where in sight. He must of gotten a ride from his junkie friends since I didn't see him.

I walked as fast as possible away from my cousin's house. I won't cry over this anymore. I don't allow it. My brother has put us through so much shit for ten years. He has stolen money from me, my parents. He has pawned family heirlooms even. Adam has no stopping point.

He's sick, and while I feel terrible for him, I just can't do it anymore. The price just always goes up with him.

"Tatum!" Brian yelled behind me.

I ignored him and kept up my steady walk. Footsteps pounded the pavement behind me. I groaned. Brian needs to learn to leave me alone when I'm like this. I don't always control what I say when I'm pissed off.

"Stop." Brian said, turning me to face him.

"Please. Just, don't." I said, trying to shrug him off.

"Well, I was wondering how long this would take for you to figure out that I'm just as stubborn as you are." He grinned.

"Brian." I sighed, feeling really irritated.

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