Untitled Part 23

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A few weeks later, I felt the need to go to the cemetery again. I have no idea why, since I haven't given Phoenix a lot of thought. This is also my second outing alone since everything happened that night. I feel nervous, yet I have no reason to be.

I stared down at the gravestone in front of me. I have nothing left to say to him anymore. Why the fuck am I here then?

Sighing deeply, I looked around the cemetery. Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted a mallard duck walking in between the rows of graves. How fucking odd is that? There isn't a pond or anything like that nearby this place. Why the fuck is a duck here?

I stood watching the duck quack and wander aimlessly through the rows. For reasons I didn't understand, I found myself walking closer to it. The closer I got, this strange sense of peace came over me. I've never felt anything like it in my life.

The duck stopped walking and stared up at me. I've never been this close to one before. Why isn't it moving away from me? I don't get it. Shaking my head at it, I glanced at the gravestone in front of me. Oh dear god. James Owen Sullivan. My heart was in my throat. I had forgotten about Jimmy being buried here too. But why the fuck am I standing here? Oh, yes! The duck! I glanced up at the duck and saw it was gone.

Where did the fucking thing go? I didn't hear it take flight or anything. I glanced around the rows of the cemetery and still didn't see it.

I looked down at Jimmy's grave again. Bending down, I ran my fingers over the letters of his name. I smiled softly. All the stories the guys tell about Jimmy makes me wish I had met him.

"He was one hell of a guy." I heard behind me.

I screamed and jumped up. I spun around to see a tall man with piercing blue eyes. He was so pale. His black hair hung down in his eyes slightly. His ripped jeans and black shirt clung to his thin frame.

"I'm sorry!" He laughed hard.

"I thought I was alone." I whispered, feeling panic set in.

"Nah. I'm just passing through." He smirked.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to take up your place here. I'll let you have your time with him." I said, wanting to leave right now.

"Don't worry about me." He smiled.

His demeanor was so carefree and easy going. I am nervous because I don't know him. I don't think he wants to harm me. At least I hope not.

"Well, I should go." I said quietly.

"Don't be a stranger." He smiled warmly at me.

I nodded and started to walk away. When I was halfway to my car, the stranger called out to me.

"Matt is probably wondering where ya are by now." He chuckled.

My heart went into my stomach. How the fuck does he know Matt? Or better yet, how does he know me? I nodded again and got into my car.

The whole drive home, I couldn't shake the feeling of those eyes. I've seen those eyes before. I fucking know I have.

When I got to Matt's house, excuse me, our house, I didn't see him. Something hit me then. I know exactly who that was at the cemetery. And I'm positive I'm losing my fucking mind. I need to see a doctor. I need to see one right away too.

I went into Matt's studio area. On the wall was a large picture of all of them. I feel sick to my stomach. I'm going fucking insane. I have lost my Goddamn mind.

"Tay? What the hell are you doing in here?" Matt asked amused behind me.

For the second time today, I jumped and screamed. Matt looked at me worried. Tears are falling from my face. I'm such an asshole for never paying attention to my boyfriend's band or his friend that passed away. Oh my god, I'm such a dick!

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