Untitled Part 35

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I was throwing my stuff in my suitcase as fast as I could. The whole time Matt is talking but I'm not listening to him. Finally I'd had enough of him running his mouth. I spun around and slapped him in the face. I'm so fucking angry with him.

"Fuck you! You fucking asshole!" I screamed.

Matt held the side of his face. His head finally snapped towards me. He is as pissed as he was at the bar a little while ago, if not more. Matt said nothing as he grabbed both of my shoulders and slammed me against the wall. My head bounced off of it on impact. I'm so surprised by his actions I can't move.

I know I hit him and that was wrong of me, but I don't know who the fuck this is in front of me. This isn't the Matt I know. This guy is a raging prick.

"I've had enough of your shit!" He screamed at me.

"Get the fuck off of me!" I screamed back.

The door to our room flew open. I saw bodies of people flying in. Zack shoved Matt off of me, getting in his face.

"What the fuck are you thinking man!" Zack yelled.

"Matt, what the hell are you doing?" Brian demanded.

Matt shook his head a little. I watched as his eyes softened at me. Remorse filled his eyes. Now he realizes what he did. Tears are pouring down my face.

"Tatum. Tatum, I'm so fucking sorry. I...I wouldn't hurt you." Matt said sympathetically to me.

"You already did." I whispered, watching Zack and Brian look at me.

"What are you talking about?" Zack asked me.

"Val." Was all I managed to say.

"What about her?" Brian asked me.

"I've been talking to her still." Matt sighed.

"Are you fucking kidding me!" Brian roared, shoving Matt.

Matt didn't fight back. He let Brian shove him more. It was like the fight was gone inside of Matt. Honestly, it was gone inside of me. I feel nothing but pain. I had no idea my heart could hurt so much.

I let them argue and continued packing my suitcase. I glanced up to see Lacy and Gena staring at this whole scene. The only thing I wondered was, where was Michelle? Normally she is right next to Brian.

I finished packing and zipped my suitcase. I pulled it off the dresser and walked to the door.

"Hang on!" Johnny yelled at me.

"Johnny, just let me go." I said quietly.

"Where are you going?" He asked worried.

"I'm gonna take some time to think about things. I'm not sure yet." I said, hugging him.

I looked at the girls and smiled. Both of them had tears in their eyes. They know there is no stopping me from leaving this time. This is different. I have to leave. I hugged both of them, assuring them I would let them know where I ended up.

I walked out the door of the hotel room and to the elevator. Once I was in the lobby and out the door, I flagged down a cab to get to the airport.

After I arrived at the airport, I stood looking at flights and when they left. I was having trouble deciding on where to go. Where did I want to go? Am I sure about this?

"So where are we going?" I heard next to me.

Slowly, I turned to see Brian with his bags packed and slightly breathless. I shook my head at him. He smiled and shook his head at me.

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