Untitled Part 72

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"There is no hitting, biting, scratching, punching, kicking, or violence of any kind. Do you understand?" Matt asked me.

"Goddamn man! She's not ten years old for fucksake!" Zack yelled.

"I'm aware of this." Matt glared at Zack.

"There is also no truth telling about each other." Matt shot me a glare.

I smiled at him, hearing the guys snicker. He has been lecturing me about behaving when Val shows up soon.

"There are to be no cut downs, no threats, no unkind words. In other words, act like ya fucking like each other, even if it is sucking your soul out of you." Matt smiled at me.

"You do realize that you're not my father, correct?" I glared at him.

I saw the uncomfortable glances everyone gave each other, Matt included. He raised one eyebrow at me with a smirk, earning a death glare from me.

"No comment. That was what you were going to say, right?" Brian growled at Matt when he opened his mouth to speak.

"Absolutely." Matt smiled.

"Let's get something straight." I glared, jabbing my finger at Matt's chest.

Matt flinched a little and gave me a weird look.

"You do not order me around for starters. Second, I have no fucking problems with anyone. Like I told my husband earlier today, grow the fuck up. All of you." I said, jabbing my finger into Matt's chest again.

"Ow! You have like claws, woman!" Matt exclaimed, grabbing his chest.

"Pull your balls out of your vagina." I glared, hearing them all laugh.

"Babe, that's my line. You can't use it." Brian told me.

"Yes I can! You called Zacky a cunt cactus. That's my line." I grinned.

"Oh. Right. Carry on." Brian smiled at me.

"Now, I can give everyone the same lesson of not to fuck with me like I did Michelle. Any takers?" I asked them.

"Fuck no! Goddamn!" Brooks yelled.

"Ok, I get it!" Matt laughed.

"I would never hurt your fiance when a baby is present." I told Matt.

"Tatum, I just don't want shit being started. That's all. Val is on edge from lack of sleep and a baby with colic." Matt sighed.

"See how you just told me what you needed without treating me like a five year old?" I smiled.

"Yes. I'm sorry." He grinned.

"Damn. Nice rock." Zack said, lifting my hand up to look at my ring.

"You are a giant kiss ass." Matt laughed to Brian.

"No, I'm not a cheap ass like you are." Brian grinned, getting the finger from Matt.

"Anyways, it will be fine. Have just a little faith in me, Matthew." I glared, watching him laugh.

"Fine. The Berry's are the referee still." Matt laughed.

"Whatever." I grinned.

"Hey, we need to grab your meds from the pharmacy." Zack reminded me.

Adderall. Shit. At least someone remembered that I needed to do that. I swear I can't remember shit lately. I nodded at Zack.

"I'll take you." He told me.

That is Zack's silent way of saying he wants to talk to me in private. I know he heard me on the phone with the doctor, since he was in his bunk next to the room I was in. Brian just grinned and kissed my cheek before we left.

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