Shadow King? 11

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The next few days Hawks has past or talked to Deku, picking up on clues slowly. He finally confronts Deku and Bakugo.


"Deku? Bakugo? I need to ask you a question."




"Deku, are you umm..."

his voice lowers into a whisper.


"Are you pregnant?"


"How did you know?!"

Deku whispers back, Hawks smirks.


"Its the way Bakugo gives everyone death-glares, and its the pregnancy belly."




"I don't death-glare!"

Hawks looks him up and down.


"Sure you don't."

Hawks walk Deku and Bakugo threw some tips in hiding the kid if they don't want anyone to know. He gave them the pointers and left to help Dabi with his own kid. the plan was that the new arrival of Hawks and Dabi's kid would distract everyone away from Deku. Deku was only 4 months in, which means he couldn't fight anymore. Aziawa continued to look over Deku's shoulder, protecting him while Bakugo went off to fight villains .


"Problem child, you're going to have to tell the class about this. everyone is confused why your not fighting the villains, even the pro-heroes are worried..."


"I know Mr. Aziawa! I've got a plan! But promise you won't freak out?"

Aziawa suspiciously looks at Izuku.



Deku closed his eyes and dark green shadow falls limp as if it just separated from Deku. Flesh and bones appear on the shadow and he gets up, a complete copy of Deku.


"This is Shadow king. Basically Villain me, we made a deal he gets to fight Villains and only Villain or he gets trapped permanently."

Shadow king

"Evening sir, seeing Deku's situation I'll be fighting in his place."


"This is interesting... So he'll be fighting in your place until you are available? does anyone else know about this?"


"Kacchan does, Sow over here and Kacchan fought before so yes."


"Alright... well we will see how far this goes."

Deku smiled and dismisses himself. Sow grabs Deku's hand and he disappears. Bakugo was waiting in the hallway for Deku.


"hey Kacchan!"

Bakugo smiles and wraps his arm around Deku's neck.


"Hey, Teddy Bear."

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