"Aww~" 13

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Early on a Monday morning both Bakugo and Deku got up at five in the morning to meat Toga at Recovery Girl's office, well outside of it. Toga always gets there early so they didn't have to wait too long but they still had to wait awhile. "Hey I'm here, just walk me through what to do." Toga opened the door letting them inside, "Alright we got three bottles of milk in this bag, just feed him during you lunch break or if he get fussy. And I hope you don't have to but I put some diapers in there with some wipes just incase. there are also pacifiers inside the bag if you don't want to feed him 24/7." Deku hands Toga a medium bag, She puts it in her office chair. "Alright, is that everything?" Deku nods and glances at Bakugo. "Just don't post anything about him on social media." Toga rolls her eyes, "I won't and if I do you have full permission to beat the shit out of me." Bakugo nods and gently hands Izuko over to Toga. "I will take good care of him while your gone! just pick him up at 3:15, I'll be at the cafeteria on my lunch break at that time." Deku writes that down on a piece of paper and sticks it in his back pocket. "Alright, have a good day Toga!" Deku and Bakugo walk out of the room leaving Izuko with Toga.

Throughout the day Toga had to feed the kid, bounce the kid and more. Recovery Girl didn't arrive until 3:15 in the afternoon for her shift, so she had no idea that Toga was babysitting. most of the day Toga just had to answer phone calls and fix black eye or bleeding knees, some time she had to file papers for Recovery girl.

Toga was holding the kid, admiring his adorable face. He reached out grabbing Toga's pinky finger, "okay that is adorable, from now on I am your official Aunt Toga! Your so cute!!"


Toga was sitting outside at a table eating her lunch. the table she decided to sit at was partially blocked by a wall. Deku and Bakugo had no problem finding Toga. "Hey Toga!" Deku approached the table and sat beside her, Bakugo sat on the other side of the table. "Hey, Here he is." she handed Deku Izuko. He holds him for a minute the asks Bakugo for the hoodie. "Thanks for watching him, how did it go?" Toga takes a drink, "I would kill everyone in a room before someone lays a single skin cell on him." Bakugo rolled his eyes, "He grabbed your finger?" Toga nods.

"We should get going before Aziawa leaves for the day." Deku states as he see a few Pro heroes exiting the building. Bakugo nods as they wave Toga bye.

"Mr. Aziawa!" Mr. Aziawa was walking down the hallway, "Let me guess you want to see the builds?" Deku nods, "Yeah, sorry we forgot yesterday." Aziawa shrugs as he opens his door he then whispers to Deku " don't make your son obvious." he nods then Aziawa opens and unlocks his office before turning towards Kaminari and Shinsou. "Hey, get out of my class." They two hurried out of the room grinning and laughing. "That was cute" Aziawa muttered to himself.

"Alright here are you options. An apartment with thin walls, and limited space, no yard, neighbors are within walking distance, and this is the cheapest. A one story house, neighbors are farther away, you have a large yard, the space is bigger, the house is kind of small. And A modern house with a small yard, neighbors are closer but not walking distance, the house is big with a lot of room, and this one is the priciest one." Deku and Bakugo decide on there chooses and settled with the one story house. "Good because I hate the other two-" the couple laughed at the joke. Aziawa grabs the folder labeled with One Story Houses. "Okay what are the perks you are looking for?" Aziawa opens the folder as they list out things they want and don't want with a house and there price range, the ended with three houses to pick from. One was gray with a big backyard and a nice kitchen but the rooms where small. The second one had a medium sized yard, small kitchen, and big rooms. Finally the third house had a small yard, small rooms, and a large kitchen.

"Okay after viewing all three of those houses which one do you pick?" Bakugo, "Not the Red house, there's not reason to have a giant kitchen." Deku nods, "yeah, and not the gray house we need big rooms to use for storage." That just leaves the grayish-blueish house, Aziawa hands them the color coded keys and hands them to the couple. "Go to room 245 to talk about your payment, im going to take a nap. You can go head an move in." Deku smiled happily. "This will be fun!!" Bakugo chuckles. "Come lets go get our stuff from the dorms."

"Deku, get only what you need to sleep for tonight. We'll get the rest throughout the week." Deku nods as he grabs a giant gray bag for Izuko and his back pack. Bakugo just grabbed his bag for school witch had and additional change of clothes. on Tuesday they went to 245 like Aziawa told them. then throughout the week they grabbed the needed items, by the end of the week it looked the same as it looked before they moved into them it even had the same sheets.

a month later. "Okay class since most of you are unaware about the new buildings, since you are in a high educated class you have a 50% off the payment of the your house if you end up buying a house. Bakugo, Izuku how are you liking the house you two purchased a month ago?" Deku answered, "Its been nice sensei." Aziawa continues, "come to me if you are interested in looking at a house, go to room 245 for payment. I'm going to go take a nap-" Shadow king burst throw the door. "Sorry, uhh Izuku there you are! -" Todoroki interrupted. "SECERT LOVE CHILD!!!" Deku sigh, shaking his head. "Omg did something happen to your aunt Deku?!" Momo asked. "...Who?" Bakugo rolled his eyes. "The Aunt you made up... Did you really forget about that?!" Deku chuckles. "Yep, anyways what did you want-" He held his hand out toward Deku, "Oh ok." Deku shook his hand as he Disappeared into fog and then to nothing. "What the hell... " Aziawa rolled his eyes and slept in the corner. "Explain Deku!" Lida shouts pointing his hand at Deku. "Oi, he doesn't have to explain nothing' to you!" Bakugo snaps at Lida. "Why not?! A copy of Deku just showed up and then disappeared!?" Jiro Snapped back. Bakugo goes to speak but then Uraraka snapped back, "It isn't you story to know Deku can tell his reasons if he wants!!" Tsuyu talks back at Uraraka " what if Deku's twin is dangerous?!" The chaos continues. Bakugo taps Deku's arm and nods for them to leave.

"Is this my fault?" Bakugo shakes his head. "I don't think so-" they hear immediate silence from the room. Aziawa shut them up, they most likely woke him up. "What time is it?" Deku leaned over on Bakugo's arm. "Its three, we should meet up with Toga." Bakugo makes a sharp eye behind him, he protectively wraps his arm around Deku. Deku get the hint and shoots a quick glance behind them, Mineta was following them. Bakugo leans into Deku's ear whispering, "Don't immediately grab Izuko when we get over here." Deku nods, and pretends to show him something on his phone. They keep walking like this until they notice Mineta was gone.

"Hey Toga." Both Deku and Bakugo Look at the doors and window of the nearby buildings before Deku holds Izuko. "Hey, how was your day?" They both sat down, Bakugo shrugs his shoulders. "It was good, how was yours?" Toga nods as she bites into her sandwich. "good, Anaya is going to come by and pick me put tomorrow early so do you want me to take Izuko with me or are either of you willing to pick him up at 1:25?" Bakugo was confused, "What are you doing at noon that requires you too leave that early?" Toga rolls her eyes. "Dentist, so are you going to pick him up early or wait until four to get him." Deku looks up from his kids gaze. "I'll pick him up early. Plus what are we doing tomorrow that requires us to be there? I mean unless there's a Villain attack. All Aziawa does in the last two hours of class is sleep." Toga and Bakugo nod in agreement. "Alright, just what is your plan to keep him hidden? their is a uniform rule, Babe. The hoodie isn't going to work this time." Deku taps his finger against his lip, thinking. "Maybe I could hide in the bathroom... Or I could just go head and go home..." Toga finished her sandwich and tells them bye. "Whatever you decide, just tell me where you are." Deku chuckles, "Aww, your concerned for us~!" Bakugo ruffs up Deku's hair, "Shut it."

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