new job 27

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"Hey Oliver!!" Deku was outside his dorm, "your here early, an hour early." Deku nods, "yeah we wake up super early, wanna go get coffee while Kacchan drops off Izuko?" Oliver nods. "Yes!! A bitch can't live without coffee!" Deku chuckles, "truth." Oliver locks his door as they go down to get coffee. "How many cups have you had this morning? Your real energetic." Deku chuckles, "like three." Oliver chokes, "three? I normally drink that much in a single day. How much do you drink a whole day?" Deku shrugs. "Couldn't tell you. Hey is Boba an option?" Oliver nods as they order.

"Hey nerd, what are you two doing?" Deku shrugged, "coffee and Boba, want some?" Deku hands Bakugo the cup and they share the same drink. "Eww, affection..." Bakugo laughs, "I would have said that at your age." Deku grins. "Let's get to class before we are late." Deku says looking at the clock.

"Alright class 1-A and pro-heroes, this idea was suggested by Principal Nezu. Basically students and heroes team up and prepare them for combat, after that students will face against students to see who taught them the best. And because we don't have as many pro heroes than we have students, some will have multiple students to teach. Got it, good now get to the fields. You have two hours to teach them everything." Everyone shuffles out of the classroom and into the fields. They start to spilt up the student with the thirteen pro heroes, leaving eight for those who are willing to teach two students.

"Alright what is your name." The girl standing next to Oliver tells him her name is Kate and her quirk is multiply, she can make copies of herself. "Cool, Oli what's your quirk." He chuckles, "it's weird to explain but I'll show you." He holds his hand out and a small rabbit forms on his hands. "I can make living things and control them to an extent." Bakugo nods, "well what I'm about to teach you will apply to those who have weaker quirks than most. You see a hero has three things they need before going onto the battlefield. Your quirk, your physical strength, and your mental strength. Image your quirkless and your fighting you only have your bare hands to fight, now that is what we are working on." Kate sighed, "that's what our middle school courses taught us, we are already strong enough!!" Bakugo smirks, "want to test that theory? See that dummy over there? Hit it as hard as you can without using your quirk, try to hit it to the ground." She tried multiple times but the dummy wouldn't ever move. "Alright I get your point." Bakugo smiled as he taught them how to overcome an enemy stronger than them without using all your body strength and wearing yourself out.

"Alright time is up get over here." Aziawa commanded. "Alright..." As Aziawa started to match the students up Oliver began to get nervous. "And Oliver against Agunes." The whole class tenses up knowing full well that these two absolutely don't get along. As the teams go against each other Oliver gets more nervous. "Hey, calm down. You'll be fine, if you have to beat the shit out of him I'll argue against Aziawa for you." Oliver looks surprised. "You'd do that for me?!" Oliver whispered. "Yes, but don't tell anyone. Don't want anyone thinking I'm going soft." Oliver chuckles. "Oliver and Agunes."

"Oh look it's a creep, maybe he should be a villain because you sure look like one." Oliver brushes it off, "maybe if you stopped being a jerk then you'd actually get good grades." The class ohs the roast. Agunes charges at Oliver, he dodge and kicks his feet out. "How the hell are you so confident?!" Oliver quickly shoots a glance at Bakugo and Deku, "I have one thing you don't." Agunes gets up and his hand turns into solid metal. "And what is that?!" Oliver kicks him in the balls, "guts." He walks off the arena and joins Bakugo. "Was I too rough?" Bakugo smiles and wraps his arm around his neck, "Nah, playing dirty sometimes is the only way to win. But I am wondering, why not use your quirk?" Oliver goes to speak but his classmates surround him. "Oh, umm hi? N-no thanks I'm good. No I don't like parties but thanks for the offer. Oh hey Willy, need something? Oh sure I'll come to dinner, what time? Ok I'll be there." Bakugo notice that Oliver was blushing hardcore. "Ooo~ Someone's got a date." Oliver was caught off guard. "E-eh?! No I don't! Shut up!" Deku smirks, "alright that's what you think, but he might say otherwise." Deku looks at this so called Willy, "flushed faced, nervous talking, andddd fidgeting. Love at true sight." Bakugo smack the back of Deku's head, "stop watching those damn love documentaries." Deku whines, "aww but there so good." Oliver chuckles. "A date or not I've never gone to dinner with anyone else but my grandmother. You got any advice?" Bakugo nods, "yeah, on any dinner you MUST always do these three things. B.Y.S, which stand for Be Your Self." Oliver rolled his eyes, "alright, anything else." They shook there heads. "Alright, I better go see recovery girl. Bye!" They wave him bye. "I didn't know Bakubro had a soft spot." Bakugo snapped at him. "Shut the hell up shitty hair!!" Bakugo huffs. Aziawa approached the pro heroes, "Hello class, I'd like to inform you that out of all of your teaching today Bakugo was the most successful with his two students. Then it was Kirishima, then Tokoyami. I personally want to talk to you Bakugo, you did excellent in this era." Bakugo nods and Aziawa continues. "Now I need to check on one of my student... Bakugo can you meet me in my office in an hour? Thanks."

"Wonder what he wants to talk to you about...?" Bakugo was spaced out which normally doesn't happen. "Katsuki? Are you alright?" Bakugo Looks at Deku and smiles, "I'll be fine..." Deku holds his hand, soaking up all the warmth from his hand. "What were you thinking about?" Bakugo sighs, "Am I really going soft??" Deku kissed Bakugo's cheek, "I'm sure Kiri was just teasing you. I think your just protective of Oli." Bakugo ruffled Deku's hair. "Thanks nerd."

Izuko runs out of Toga's grasp when he spots Bakugo and Deku. "Be careful hun, thanks Toga have a good night." She smiled and Waved them bye. "Bye Izuko, Bye Babe." Bakugo left to go to Aziawa's office.

"Ah, Bakugo right in time." He pulls out a file. "As you know I've been teaching for a while." Bakugo sits down, "Just get to the point would ya." Aziawa chuckles, "Bakugo I'm retiring and I'm offering to give you my job... Of course the school requires for you to be taught so that would take two years then the class is officially yours to teach by year three." Bakugo sits up, "Why me, sir? I mean you can give it to Deku, he's smart." Aziawa rolled his eyes, "Midoriya told didn't make it to the top three today did he? It was you, and if you decline this offer I'll just ask Kirishima and Tokoyami, no problem. But I suggest finding a second job, sometimes the board doesn't give us our monthly payment so if the board holds back money your family might go under until you get paid. But if your a teacher then you get paid every week." Bakugo stays silent still processing it, "Did I overwhelm you?" Bakugo shakes his head, "No... So your telling me that I can teach and still do pro hero work... Okay, what's the payment??" Aziawa pushes the file towards Bakugo. "Its 230.00$ each week for this class, then subtract 30.00$ for school tax then you get 200.00 to keep." Bakugo looked shocked... Well as shocked as Bakugo can get. "If I take this job how many hours will I be working, and what time do I get here." Aziawa shrugs, "Just get here by 7:30 to 8, and the shift is seven hours long with breaks of course." Bakugo nods, "So will you take it?" Bakugo grins, "Yes, when do I start?" Aziawa looks back at the file and points to a date. "Its August 5, Just so you have sometime to get your home life in order before we start this." Bakugo nods, "Thank you sensei." Aziawa smiled, "Just call me Shouta." Bakugo nods, "Then call me Katsuki."

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