Bakugo's birthday 24

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Izuko woke up rather early and started to talk. "Papa... Dada... m... morning!! PAPA!!" Deku woke up to the sudden screaming from his kid. "I'm awake honey" Deku gets up and pull Izuko out of his crib. "Morning... Papa morning!!" Deku chuckles as he put Izuko on the ground. "how about we work on you speech?" Izuko looks confused but seems up to it. "Say Apple." Izuko looks at the cards Deku was holding. " Apple!" Deku smiled. "Good job, now car." He was silent before speaking. "C... a...r... car... Car!!" Deku continued to do that for a while. "mhm... Zuzu?" Deku looked up at Bakugo. "Oh, good morning. Did we wake you?" Bakugo shook his head, "No... what are you two doing?" Deku showed his one of the cards. "Oh, cool." Bakugo gets up and gets ready for the day. "Izuko, can you say truck?" Izuko nods, "Fuck!" Bakugo starts laughing and pulls out the camera. "Izuko can you say truck?" Izuko looks confused why Bakugo was laughing. "Fuck?" He starts laughing again, even Deku starts to crack up. "Izuko baby, don't sat fuck... T-r-u-c-k, Can you say truck?" Izuko still confused says fuck again, Bakugo is still recording. "Ok lets try another word. Frog, can you say from?" Izuko looks like he recognized the picture. "Tsu!! Tsu!!" Deku sighs, "Good job buddy." Deku smiles and ruffles his hair. Bakugo turns off the recording. "That was funny." Deku smiles, "What day is it?" Bakugo looks at his phone. "The 14th, April, why?" shit I was suppose to pick up Kacchan's birthday gift yesterday. "Just wondering, I'm going to go to the store today, we need some milk and such." Bakugo nods, "Alright-" Izuko was reaching towards Bakugo. "Dada!!" Deku hands Izuko over to Bakugo, he plays with Bakugo's hair. "Is anyone else up yet?" Deku shrugs, "Probably. I need to feed he though, unless you want to." Bakugo nods, "I'll feed him while I make breakfast." They walked out to see only the early birds are awake.

After breakfast Deku stopped by the post office. "Hey I got a package sent here I was suppose to pick it up yesterday. Is it still here?" This one guy seem really annoyed at Deku when he came to pick up the package. fortunately the package was still there.

Bakugo's birthday ~sorry for the time skips~

On Bakugo's birthday Bakugo tried to show Kirishima, Kaminari, Mina, Todoroki, And Deku how to bake a cake. It kinda went well, after they ate the cake they gave presents even though the supply is limited. "Mr. Bakugo?" Bakugo looked down at Eri. Bakugo hummed at Eri. "I heard it was your birthday, sorry I don't have anything for you!" Bakugo bopped Eri's nose. "Birthdays aren't always about giving, I think its know or realizing it is a person's birthday that counts. So thank you Eri." Eri smiles and hugs Bakugo, Bakugo wraps one arm around her. "Eri, do you want some cake?" Eri agrees and waves Bakugo bye.

Later that night after Deku and Bakugo put Izuko to sleep. "Hey Kacchan?" Bakugo looked back at Deku, he was shirtless. "Eh?! Sorry!!" Bakugo rolls his eyes. "Babe, you've see my body before. Stop freaking out. Now what do you want?" Deku shows Bakugo the box. "I got you a present, I decide to give it to you later because Eri and Kota were there." Deku extends his arms and gives Bakugo the box. Bakugo curiously opens the box, he pulled out a shirt that said, "Fuck off is the fun way of saying go away." Bakugo chuckled and put it on. "I love it, thanks. I see why you didn't want Kota and Eri to see this shirt-" they hear rustling from the crib fearful that they woke up Izuko but luckily didn't. Bakugo moves the box out of the way and gently kissed Deku's cheek. "Its late, we should get to bed." Deku agrees as he cuddles into Bakugo.

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