Mall day 18

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"Good morning Deku! We where wondering if you wanted to hangout today to make you feel better? Come on it'll be fun!!" Deku smiled, "alright fine. But I'm babysitting for a friend so I'll have to bring the kid. Who is all coming?" Uraraka shrugs, "I sent the text out to everyone in the class. We are meeting everyone at the fountain." Deku nods, "What time?" Deku pulled out his phone, looking at his schedule. "Is 12 okay with you?" Deku smiles and nods. "Yeah, I better get going. I have to pick up the kid." Deku hangs up the phone. "BA! BA!" Izuko was sitting in a highchair with his octopus in his hand, he was holding his hands out for Deku to hold him. Deku chuckles, "you've grown a lot in the past three months." Deku picks Izuko up and puts Izuko inside his play pin while Deku changes. Deku puts on shorts, a T-shirt, Bakugo's red beanie, and Bakugo's black and orange jacket. He also put his wig cap and wig on. "Izuko I need to change you into something other than you jammies." Deku picks up Izuko and changes him into a blue t-shirt, green shorts, and a black beanie. Deku also grabbed his to-go bag which has everything needed from diapers to burp towels.

"Hey Deku, you got here early!" Deku chuckled, "you did too, also how did you know it was me?" Uraraka pointed to the hat. "I see..." Uraraka giggles, "you looks silly with a sling on." Deku rolls his eyes. About an hour later Mina, Kirishima, Kaminari, Tsu, Todoroki, Idia, Hagakure, and Kaminari invited Shinsou. "Alright I think this is everyone who is going to be coming is present. So lets get this party on the road!"

Two hours later everyone decided to go to a café for lunch, Deku opens his bag and pulls out baby food and quickly feeds it to him before the food gets here. "Deku why are you feeding him now and not when the food gets here?" Todoroki asked. "So that he falls asleep by the time the food gets here, so I can eat and not have split attention between you guys, the food, and him." Idia waves his hand like a teacher, "This is so smart Deku, why didn't I think of it?" Deku finishes feeding him and burping him that by the time the food gets brought out Izuko was asleep. After they head to the mall and after going from shop to shop the girls suggested to go into Spenser's. "Umm, I'll stay out here and wait for you guys." After a couple of minutes of them being in there they come out. "So how did it go?" Deku said sarcastically. "Why didn't you say they sold sex toys in there?!?!" Mina just shrugged as she puts on the necklaces she bought. "It was funny seeing them out about that, I got a video. Mina shows her the video. WHAT THE HECK?!?! WHYYYY!! WHY WOULD THESE BE ON SELL!! AHHH!! Deku laughs. "Why are you not flipping out about it?!?!" Deku chuckles, "I need you to connect the dots, I don't want to go in there so I-" "You've been scarred in the past from it." Mina points to hot topic, "HELL YEAH!!!" Deku and Mina hurries off into hot topic. they come back out with fishnets, earrings, and shirts. "Why did you buy earrings Deku? *Kero* Your ears aren't pierced. *Kero*." Deku reaches up to his ears and pulls out skin toned earrings that hides his pierced hole. "Holy-" Deku smirks as everyone flips out. "At least he doesn't have a tattoo!" Deku decided to play with them further. " You see about that-" they start dyeing on the floor. "your my new favorite person!" Mina hugs Deku around the neck. "What does you tattoo say?" Deku Smirks, "Daddy, it's on my lower hip. Kacchan and me got matching tattoos on my 16th birthday." Mina smirks, "maybe your not so innocent then everyone says you are-" Deku peers over at these two guys talking shit about Bakugo. "What- she looks over at who Deku was death glaring at. oh, hey you guys meet us at the front of the building." She waits until its just her and Deku then she pulls out her phone. Deku hand Mina the kid. "So Deku, what's happening?" Deku points at the two guys. "They are talking shit about Kacchan." Mina chuckles, "and what are you going to do?" Deku smirks, "Get kicked out of the mall." "Wait what-" Deku goes over to the two guys. "Hey, you do know who your talking shit about right?" They roll their eyes. "Yeah so-" Deku throws a punch, breaking one of the guy's nose. "Continue talking shit and I hit you buddy." The guy pushes Deku, "Deku beats the shit out of both of the guys. Two security guards broke up the fight, Deku and Mina walk off.

"Holy shit. You out of all people just picked a fight with two guys- who where twice your height!!" Deku chuckled, "I didn't go through an Emo Phase for nothing." Mina put her hand on Deku's shoulder. "You went through an Emo Phase?!" Deku nods, "Yeah."

"Hey guys- Deku?! Why do you have a bruise?!" Kirishima asked, Mina showed them the video. "Deku is not innocent anymore!!!" Deku rolled his eyes. "Never was." Mina giggles as Uraraka looses it. "Now the retired emo is babysitting." Deku scoffed, "Retired? Oh! Lets get Boba!" Deku skips off to a Boba shop he spotted off to the side of the mall. He came back out a few minutes later.

Once they got into the car and Mina suggested a game. "OOO!! lets play what song! who ever knows the song raise your hand and say got it, if you can sing it word for word then you get a point!" Everyone agrees to play. score: Tsu- 1, Idia- 0, Uraraka- 2, Todoroki -8, Deku- 10, Kirishima- 5, Shinsou- 7, Kaminari- 3, and Hagakure- 0.

Later on they drop off everyone at the dorms, and Deku walked home. Once Deku got home it was 5, he puts Izuko to bed. He then sat on his bed, grabbing Bakugo's jacket. "Kacchan... I miss you..." Deku holds the jacket close to his body as tears run down his face. "Please be alright... please..." he feels his throat clench up. Deku feels his cheek burn, he gets up to see what happened. His mark is visible, Deku is confused but does nothing about it. He turns back around and lays down on his bed, covering his eyes with his arm. "Deku..." He jolts up, "Kacchan!... its just my imagination again..." He hears Izuko start crying, he gets up and walks into Izuko's room. "Hey, shh." There is an odd feeling of someone watching Deku. "Who's there?" Nothing happens, Deku is now on edge he grabs the quick bag and heads to his room. "You'll be staying in here tonight." Deku lays Izuko on his bed and covers him in a smaller blanket. "goodnight my love." he kisses Izuko's forehead. Throughout the night Deku hears rustling throughout the house.

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