status update/ time skip 25

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status update

Through out the weeks Kaminari and Shinsou began to sneak off, sometimes Eri would go with them. Eri would keep quiet about sneaking out. A lot of the cabin mates have been taking turns going out to get groceries so they can keep there sanity. Everyone has made it official that nobody can fight, make out, or dress down in the middle of the cabin. Now you have to fight in the forest and make out in your own rooms, just clean up the mess after your finished. Some of the cabin mates have offered to watch Izuko so Bakugo and Deku can have their 'Alone time'.

Date may: 15

Finally after weeks of sneaking out Mina follows Kaminari and Shinsou. "Alright Denki. Remember what I taught you?" Kaminari nods. He stands with his hands at his sides. "alright バカ (Moron), if someone aims at your head what do you do?" Kaminari bends backwards quickly looking like he just snapped in half. he came back up to normal human stance. "alright your fighting a large Villain and his only weakness is his eye. What do you do-..." Shinsou looks at the forest. "Mina you can come out." Mina stepped out from her hiding spot. "What's going on here?" Denki smiled, "He's teaching me how to be flexible!! Isn't that cool!!" Mina smirks, "yeah, looks like you got no spine. It might catch a villain off guard." Mina looks Shinsou up and down. "Treat him well Mr." Shinsou scoffed, "I will." Mina walks off. "Is she mad?" Shinsou shakes his head. "Doesn't seem like it." Kaminari nods, Shinsou has become a mild friend to class 1-A due to the time he's had to spend with them.

"Ba!" Izuko was looking at Kirishima. "Hey squirt!" Kirishima happily bent down next to Izuko, who was holding onto the side of the table. He sat down and reached his arms out towards Kirishima. Kirishima picked him up, Izuko looked at Kirishima's teeth. "S... shark.... Sharky!!" Kirishima hugs Izuko. "That's right, Sharky." Izuko smiles, "Sharky!!" when Kirishima put Izuko down he noticed Mic was standing there in aw, Izuko freaked out and hid behind Kirishima. "That was adorable... Okay I'll be going." Mic walked off to do something else. "How about we get you back to your parents?" Izuko looked up at Kirishima, "Papa?" Kirishima chuckles. "Hey Bakubro, Midobro! Here's Izuko." Midoriya picks up Izuko, "Thanks Kirishima!!"

The riots lasted about two years, after the riots were over Bakugo and Midoriya got married.

Date: July 4, 2406 (four years later)

Bakugo- 23

Deku- 22

Izuko- 4

Izuko came home from the school bus in an excited mood. "Dad!! look I got my quirk!! finally!!" Bakugo squatted down and ruffled his son's hair. "Well what's your quirk son?" Deku looked up from his book, interested. Izuko held his hand out, then his hand suddenly shot out sparks and became more concentrated and controlled sparks. "I don't know which one of you I got my quirk from though" Deku got up and squatted next to his son as well. "What do you mean honey?" Bakugo and Deku were both confused. "Well, I've never seen either of your quirks." Bakugo pointed to the TV. "What about on the TV?" Izuko rolled his eyes, "I'm not aloud to watch TV dad." Both Bakugo and Deku looked at each other and laughed. "Well lets go outside so we can show you!!" Deku said cheerfully getting up and skipping off into there backyard with Izuko. It had been four years sense the riots had began. Now class 1-A had their separate live. Bakugo and Deku got married soon after the riots, they bought their own home, and live happily together. "So?" their egger son waits for one of them to start. Deku goes first sense his quirk has a lot of explanation. "Well you know how 20% of the world is born quirkless? I was part of that 20% son, but I was lucky enough to have gained a non-natural quirk from non other than all might himself. It's called One For All. I can produce large amounts of energy, wind, and power. But if I use too much of the power it can leave me with damage such as a broke bone or these deep scars on my arm here." Deku points to his arm. "Can I see you use your power??" Deku looks around for a tin can or something to use. He finds an empty water bottle and flicks it half way across the yard. "Woah!! That's so cool Papa!! What can you do Dad?" Bakugo smiled, "My quirk was natural, I was part of the 80% of the world that was born with a quirk like you. I can make different sizes of explosions, and the build up of sweat can be used to make a giant explosion. but I can't control where the explosion goes, I can only tell the general area the explosion goes." Deku brings Bakugo the empty bottle he flicked. "Ready?" Izuko nods as Bakugo's palms light up and the water bottle goes flying. Seeing his parents' quirks bringings him overwhelming excitement that he can't explain. Deku goes over and picks up the water bottle again. "You want to try?" Izuko nods. Deku hands Izuko the bottle. "You want to try to shoot it as far as you can." Izuko throws the bottle using his quirk but it doesn't go very far. "That didn't go far..." Deku smiled, "Well your still growing, you could probably get it farther than us once your older!" Bakugo scoffs, "Could? He'll totally get it farther!!" Izuko smiled and hugged both of his parents. "I love you guys!!"

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