His first word!!/ Riots 22

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Aziawa gave everyone Friday off, so Bakugo let Deku sleep in as he watched Izuko and made breakfast.

What's that smell? Deku got up and put on Bakugo's hoodie out of habit. And walked over to the kitchen where he found Bakugo making Pancakes and banana bread. "Hey, did I wake you up?" Deku shook his head. "Good." Deku hugged Bakugo. "What's for breakfast?" Bakugo smiled, "Pancakes-" Izuko must have recognized Deku's voice because he started making noise soon after. "Ba! Ba!" Deku chuckled as he walks over to Izuko and kissed him on the forehead. "Your right about him growing a lot..." Deku ruffles up Izuko's hair as he goes to stand up. "Are you alright? You seem upset?" Bakugo takes the cooked pancakes off the stove and onto the plates. "Its strange coming back and everything being slightly different..." Deku looks confused, "Like Earphones (Jiro), What does ponytail (Momo) mean by She's back?! Or that Shinsou kid hanging out with Aziawa more recently?!" Deku kisses Bakugo's cheek. "Shinsou is Aziawa's favorite student and apparently he's scheduled to transfer over to class 1-A next month. And I don't know what happened to Jiro, I think only Momo knows about it." Bakugo ruffled up Deku's hair, "Nerd." Deku chuckles.

"Hey babe?" Deku looks up from his homework, "yeah?" Bakugo sat next to Deku with Izuko on his lap. "Do you want to go to the park later?" Deku smiles, "sure that sounds fun." Deku tries to focus on his work but struggles. Deku sighs as he scratches his head. "Are you alright?" Bakugo was facing Deku, Izuko was sitting on the couch chewing on his octopus. "Just stressed... Why did Uraraka betray us?! Did we do something wrong, did I do something wrong?!" Bakugo shakes his head, "No, it wasn't you... Uraraka never wanted to be a hero... she wanted to be a villain but Hero work would give her more payment, so she did villain work secretly..." Deku looked confused, "How do you know this?" Bakugo shrugged "she joined while I was held captive." Bakugo kissed Deku's forehead, "Don't get stressed out about this-!!" Izuko almost fell off the couch but Bakugo caught him. "Holy shit..." Izuko just held onto Bakugo's arm. "I'm going to take a break from homework..." Bakugo nods, "Alright..." Izuko sat on Bakugo's lap, he then lifted Bakugo's shirt and playfully hid under his shirt. Deku closes his binder and lays his head on Bakugo's shoulder. Bakugo smiles and falls asleep.

"Babe, wake up!" Deku was shaking Bakugo awake. "What?!" Deku looks frantic, "I can't find Izuko!!" Bakugo sits up realizing that Izuko wasn't in his shirt anymore. "I'm sure he couldn't have gone far." Deku nods, Bakugo could tell he was about to start crying. "Hey, breathe. We will find him." Deku nods taking a deep breath. Bakugo and Deku search the whole house, finally finding him in their closet playing with a scarf. "Oh thank god!!" Deku swoops him up in his arms. "I told you we'd find him babe." Deku mutters, "I know..." Bakugo wraps his arms around Deku's waist and kisses the back of his neck. Izuko confused just hugs Deku back, he looks up at Bakugo. "Dada?" Izuko points at Bakugo, Bakugo chuckles. "That's right, Dada." Deku turns around and hands Izuko to Bakugo, he grabs a camera and starts recording. Bakugo rolls his eyes and focuses on Izuko. "Dada!!" Bakugo smiles, "Yeah? Who's your dad?" Izuko giggles as he points at Bakugo. "It's me?" Izuko laughs. Deku turns off the camera and smiles, "Thanks for continuing with that for me." Bakugo kissed Deku's cheek. "Your welcome babe."

Deku tried getting Izuko to eat that night but he was not having it. "Honey eat your applesauce-" Izuko started whining, "Naaaaaa!!!" Deku sighs as Izuko throws his fit. "I'll try to feed him in a minute, maybe we need to start feeding him and getting him to bed before we eat..." Deku nods, "Agreed..." This will give me perfect timing to get Kacchan's Birthday gift! I have till next month but its better early than late. Deku though as he finishes his food and start cleaning the dishes.

"Did he eat his dinner?" Deku Whispered to Bakugo as he quietly closed the door. "Yeah. Hey is he suppose to be talking by now?" Deku shrugs, Bakugo rubs his neck nervously. "Hey we can schedule an appointment if you feel like we have to." Bakugo nods, "Thanks..." Deku stood on his tip-toes and kissed Bakugo on the cheek. "Why do you have to be so tall?" Bakugo chuckled and picked Deku up bridal style. "Why do you have to be so short?" Deku started blushing uncontrollably. "B-Babe!!" Bakugo chuckled, "What, I have to practice for our wedding when I carry you to the bedroom~" Deku hides his face in Bakugo's shoulder. "Baby, you want to marry me?" Bakugo sets Deku on the edge of their bed while he changes into his pajamas. "Of course I'd marry you baby, but we can get married until after we finish school. You know the rule against that." Deku sadly sighs, "I know..." Bakugo grabs something from the closet then kneels in front of Deku. "So, promise me that we'll get married after school... after we both finish school..." Deku breaks down in tears and hugs Bakugo. "Of course baby." Bakugo scoffs and wipes Deku's tears. He gently slides the ring on Deku's ring finger. "I love you Zuzu..." Deku smiled, "I love you too Kacchan..." Bakugo gently kissed Deku on the lips, he put Deku on the bed again and kissed him more. Bakugo playfully kissed Deku's neck, they start laughing as they topple backwards onto the bed. Deku puts his hands on Bakugo's neck as he kisses Bakugo. They hear knocking at the door, which woke up Izuko. Bakugo gets up and calms down Izuko while Deku opens the door.

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