ITS 2 AM!!! 12

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Author- I'm trying different writing styles with computer vs a phone, this one I'm using my computer so I'm just testing to see which ones look better. so thank you for those of you who are tolerating me.

Also this story gets a little too detail so if you uncomfortable with it then just skip this chapter.

~Okay onto the story~

Shadow King replaced Deku the next battle, this went on for 5 months, enough time for Deku to hide the fact that he's pregnant. but the time was coming to a close.

1:43 am (Saturday night, August 14 2402)

Deku wakes up to sharp pain and his broken water. He wakes up Bakugo, "Babe! Babe! wake up!" Bakugo sits up. "What's wrong?" Deku's hands where shaking. "My water broke..." Bakugo's eyes widen, "Alright let me go grab the bag and we can go." Bakugo grabs a medium bag, "Aright, ready?" Deku nods. "Try to be as quiet as you can, Alright?" Deku nods again. They make their way down the hall stop seeing Todoroki with his mid-night soba. "Where are you two going?" Bakugo came up with an excuse. "My a family member was rushed to the hospital, they want us to meet them there!" Todoroki rolled his eyes. "Whatever." The two hurried out of the door and to the hospital. "How are you doing over there Teddy bear?" Deku sat in the backseat in pain. "Peachy..." Bakugo chuckles, "We'll be there soon, don't worry. Luckily there is no traffic." Bakugo calls his sister. "Hey Toga, can you meet us at the hospital." Toga was most likely asleep because the groggy tone he got back from Toga was not pleasant. "Now? is like 2 am?!" Bakugo rolled his eyes. "Its important. Could you please? Come? Oh, also tell mom and dad to come too." They heard the sound of Toga getting up and walking to their kitchen grabbing pots and bringing them to there parents' room. BANG. "WHAT THE HELL ITS 2 AM WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT!?!?!" Toga then replied to Bakugo. "Go on Katsuki." Bakugo rolled his eyes. "Mom, Dad, Toga, can you please come to the hospital? Its like really important." yelling continues in the background of the phone call. "We'll be at the West wing." Bakugo's dad answers. "Okay son, see you soon." Bakugo smiled. "Bye old man." He ends the call. "That was an interesting phone call..." Deku said sarcastically.

Once they arrived at the hospital Bakugo and Deku got a room instantly. Since Deku wasn't 3 inches or more he had to wait for the baby's head to push through. They where aloud to have visitors, Mitsuki came plowing into the room. "What's going on-" she saw Deku laying in the bed, his face is in a tremendous amount of pain. Bakugo was holding his hand trying to keep him calm. "Katsuki?" Bakugo grinned at his parents and sister. "Hey..." His family surrounded the bed. "Izuku? Are you alright." Deku smiles and nods. "Just hurts a bit." Mitsuki looked at Bakugo and Deku in disbelief. "Can you yell at me after Deku delivers the kid?" Mitsuki chuckles, "I'm not going to yell this time brat." Mitsuki ruffles up Bakugo's hair. "Son, why didn't you tell us?" Bakugo rolled his eyes and looked at his sister, "someone is going to post about it all over the internet." Toga huffed, "fine I won't post about it." His dad chuckled. A nurse walked in, asking the family to step outside the room for a minute. She then checked Deku, "alright honey are you guys getting the injection?" Deku nods and she grabs the injection, and inserts it into Deku's back. "Alright we'll get the doc free in thirty minutes, I'm assuming your the dad?" Bakugo nods, "You'll go back with him when he's ready." Bakugo nods again. "Alright I'll be back in thirty minutes to check on you." The nurse then left the room and the family came back in. "So, do you guys know the gender? What are you going to name them?" Toga asked excited. "We don't know the gender we wanted it to be a surprised. And if its a boy he'll be Izuko and if its a girl she'll be Rituku."

The nurse walks in telling the Bakugo family to go into the waiting room until they send someone to go get them. "Alright right now we are taking you to the Labor sector down the hall, can you get on this stretcher to wheel you down there?" Deku nods but has a difficult time getting on the stretcher, Bakugo helped him onto the stretcher and the nurse wheels Deku down to the room where the doctor was already waiting. They then get Deku onto the stationary-bed.

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