022 - Uncovered

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Warnings: n/a

The next day, Yoongi didn't have the energy to choose his usual bubbly outfit. He chose his black ripped skinny jeans with a black turtleneck, hiding his hand in his pocket. He was thankful for the bandage around the hand with the cut. This way, he only had to hide one of them.

He was just taking the books he needed out of his locker, as he recognized the annoyingly bright orange hair beside him. "No colors today?"

Yoongi sighed and closed the door, not sparing Jimin a glance, "No colors today."

"I take it yesterday went well?" Jimin continued, watching Yoongi trying to stuff his books into the bag. "With a few unexpected turns, yes," Yoongi breathed, standing up straight and slinging his backpack over his shoulder. "What's with your hand?" Jimin asked, examining the white bandage with furrowed brows.

"I'll tell you this evening when I tell the rest of Bangtan. For now, only Namjoon knows."

Jimin nodded, "Good luck with classes, I guess."


Taehyung, on the other hand, stayed home because his first two lessons got canceled and was just peacefully eating his cereal as his father entered the kitchen.

"Good morning," Taehyung mumbled, receiving a tired nod from his father, accompanied by the ruffle of his hair. The older man had a smile on his lips, though the bags on his eyes showed how tired he was.

"Is everything alright?"

The adult sat down on the table, the mug tightly clasped in his hands. "Better than alright, actually. Our investigation just took a huge leap forward."

"The one about the gangs?" Taehyung carefully asked, taking another spoon of cereal. His father nodded, "We've identified the two gangs which are constantly fighting each other. We have an insider, and it has been quiet for too long, which means something big is rolling our way."

"Which gangs are fighting?" Taehyung asked, trying not to show how much his hands are trembling, his knuckles turning white from how hard he was grasping the spoon.

"Ah, it might be good to show you their tattoos, so you stay away from them," his father remembered, cramming his phone out of the pocket of his jeans. He opened it and slid it across the table, showing a probably dead man with a hexagon tattooed on his shoulder.

"That is the sign of EXO, one of the gangs. They often wear it on their upper body, most likely shoulder or left arm. Sadly, we have enough corpses to prove it."

Taehyung nodded, now shaking. His father took it as a sign of fear, when in reality, Taehyung was worrying about his boyfriend, one of those gangs' leaders. His father took his phone back and tapped around until he slid it across the table again. This time, it showed the tattoo of a spider, its two front legs forming some kind of pattern.

"That's the tattoo of Bangtan, the other gang," his father explained, and all color drained from Taehyung's face. Yoongi was in danger. His father had a sympathetic smile, laying his hand on Taehyung's shoulder, "Don't worry. We're waiting for information from our informant, and if the big thing happens, we'll catch and arrest them."

Taehyung just nodded, his mind racing. He knew which big thing his father meant, and he hoped that Yoongi declined the offer; this was the only way they would be remotely safe. "Don't worry too much," his father added, gently squeezing his shoulder for a moment.

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