010 - Gunshots and late night smiles

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Warnings: Violence

And soon enough was now.

Suddenly gunshots were heard over the loud music, people started screaming and everyone was panicking.

Yoongi's instincts kicked in and he pulled Taehyung to the side, dragging out the table from a booth and turning it to the side to function as a shield. He turned to Taehyung, whose eyes were wide with fear. "Duck and stay behind the table at all times. Do not peek over the edge to see what's happening, do not run away. Stay here. Understood?"

Taehyung was overwhelmed by the situation itself, but Yoongi's seriousness was only worsening it. He nodded, trembling in fear, ducking down and protecting his head with his hands.

"I will come and get you when the coast is clear. Wait for me." Yoongi said, quickly ruffling Taehyung's hair, and then he was gone.

He sought cover behind a pillar, taking his gun out and disengaging the safety. He took a deep breath and looked around the place, analyzing the situation.

Namjoon has positioned himself behind the bar, only a bit of bleached hair and the end of the firearm visible. Yoongi squinted and could make out a bob of black hair, assuming it was Jin and that he was safe.

Hoseok was crouching behind the DJ booth, aiming at the entrance.

Jimin stood two pillars away, reloading his firearm.

Yoongi took a deep breath and leaned to the other side, looking at the entrance. Masked men were running in from the entrance, armed with rifles. He had no time to coordinate a tactic with Namjoon, so he put all his trust in their bond and wordless communication.

He shortly stepped out from his cover, firing two bullets at the man in the front, who fell with a groan and a thud.

Civilians were crouching everywhere, trying to protect themselves from the deadly projectiles fired at them, some injured on the floor. The screams and cries echoed off the walls, and the worst was that he didn't know if it was a gang or just some maniacs.

He glanced over to Taehyung, who stayed put as promised. He stepped out again, only to be gripped by his collar and shoved against the pillar. He looked into the attacker's eyes, which were visible from behind the mask. A smirk began forming on his lips, one of pure amusement mixed with hatred.

"Waddup grandpa?" He grinned, earning a snarl in return. "Did you really think I was going to let you run off without any payback?" Chanyeol said, the corners of his eyes forming small crinkles, indicating he was grinning.

"But did you have to involve civilians in this?" Yoongi sighed, not struggling against the grip.

He saw Jin glancing from over the counter and just gave him a curt nod that it was okay to come out. He was positive EXO wouldn't hurt him.

The next thing heard was a startled gasp. "Jin?!"

Yoongi just grinned, satisfied with Luhan's flabbergasted reaction. But instead, Jin just rolled his eyes, putting on a brave facade. "Okay, can we leave now? I think someone called the cops."

Luhan nodded and left with his brother while Yoongi was still pinned to the concrete pillar.

"Just you wait you fucking piece of shit." And with that, he was let go and the armed men left. Yoongi tucked his weapon away and walked over to Taehyung, holding out a hand.

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