025 - The Gameplan

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Warnings: n/a

As Yoongi arrived, he could feel the buzz of the people even from outside. He heard their voices fully through the door, but the sound immediately ebbed when he entered the building.

He threw his duffel bag onto the floor and took a deep breath, thirty pairs of eyes on him.

"I'm sorry I'm late, but I had to attend something which came in between," he announced, shooting Hoseok and Namjoon warning glares. The older of the two just pretended to zip their mouths.

He rolled his eyes and focused on the crowd again, seeing curiosity but also fear. "I think RM has told you all about the rough details already, but I'll talk in-depth about the matter."

Everyone scrambled to sit down somewhere, and Yoongi leaned against the desk, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Our job is to terminate EXO. We know a lot about them, but they also know a lot about us. On top of that, a source told me that the cops know. They know what our tattoo looks like, so please be careful and try to hide it."

Panicked whispers began erupting, and Namjoon quickly shushed everyone.

"However," Yoongi started again, "we can and will win. We just have to use our assets to their full potential. The tech team," Yoongi nodded in the direction of Yeonjun and the younger ones, "will have two tasks. One is to keep tabs on the police; we have to know where they are and how many units there are at all times. The other one is to survey the area; there is no need to injure civilians."

Yeonjun nodded, excitement glimmering in his eyes. Yoongi just gave him a small smirk before turning towards the rest.

"Each of us will have an earpiece because this job isn't a piece of cake. We need to be fast and precise, but I think that shouldn't be a problem. RM, j-hope, and I will discuss the rest, and we'll let you know when we think the plan is executable. Thank you for your attention," the blonde ended, bowing his head.

He deemed it essential to treat his member with the same respect they treated him with because they needed to be on a mutual level of reverence.

After that, he wandered into his bureau, Hoseok shutting the door behind him. Yoongi fell onto his leather chair with a groan, immediately opening the drawer. Namjoon sat on the table while Hoseok pulled out a chair, and they sat in silence for a few seconds.

"This won't be easy," Namjoon muttered, his eyes fixed on the floorboards.

"It won't," Hoseok agreed, snatching the pack of cigarettes from Yoongi, "but it isn't impossible."

"You're right," Yoongi nodded, desperately thinking about ideas.

"I think I know how we start," Namjoon smirked, his auburn eyes shimmering with mischief.

Yoongi smiled back, knowing that Namjoon's ideas rarely ended up being over the necessary level of dangerous.


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