016 - Nicotine

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Warnings: n/a

When they arrived at the burger place, Namjoon was already waiting for them. The bright neon lights enhanced his grumpy expression, Yoongi stifling a laugh. "Why do you look as if you just ran over a cat?"

"Because y'all just left me back there!" Namjoon exclaimed, pouting. It seemed ridiculous to everyone who wasn't part of the gang, as Namjoon always tried to maintain his serious and professional image, but at the same time, it was good that he also showed this side of him. It made him more approachable.

They eventually settled into one of the small booths, having to squeeze a little to fit. Taehyung was pressed tightly against Yoongi, with Hoseok occupying the other side of the brunette, the other four crammed onto the opposite bench.

As the waitress scribbled down their order, Yoongi couldn't help but stare at Taehyung's fond expression. He seemed so carefree, his unusual but beautiful smile prominent almost all the time. How had he never noticed the delicacy of the younger's smile, the small dimples engraved into the unblemished skin, the pretty tawny strands of hair falling over his forehead.

How had he never noticed his radiant eyes, the contrast of his dark lashes against his fair skin, the little moles on his nose, lips, and under his eye.

Kim Taehyung truly was a composition whose artistry couldn't be replicated, not even by the most renowned artisan.

He himself felt like a lingering shadow; his heart was tainted, and so was his soul. With every unlawful action, every stain of blood on his clothes, parts of him got tarnished too.

And he was afraid, so so afraid of ruining the artwork with one false stroke of his brush, he feared his touch would leave dark spots on the light canvas, which was Kim Taehyung.

He was ruined, and he was afraid to pull the younger down with him.

"What are you thinking about?" Taehyung asked, noticing the maelstrom of emotions in the older's charcoal eyes.

Yoongi just shook his head, smiling half-heartedly. "Nothing. Just some stuff regarding family," he whispered, placing a soft kiss on Taehyung's cheek.

The latter blushed; they had never displayed affection in such public places. The others noticed, stopping in their tracks, looking at the two.

Yoongi just looked into the round, a provoking smirk parting his lips. "What?"

"Nothing," Seokjin responded, turning to look at Jimin again. Yoongi didn't fail to notice Namjoon's lingering eyes, and he recognized the look in them. It was a mix of concern and uncertainty, but Yoongi knew better than to be angry. Namjoon always worried about him because he knew how reckless he was. He knew that Yoongi thought with his heart, not his mind, which has led them into trouble more than once.

Finally, their food arrived, and everyone dug in, Jimin smearing ketchup all around his mouth. The conversation was lighthearted, smiles and laughter echoing through the small place.

Yoongi smiled, though it wasn't genuine. The proposal of Nam plagued him, and he knew there wasn't a 'right' decision to make. Both options would claim casualties.

Sometimes, like now, it all got too much. He needed a breather, so he gently tapped Taehyung's knee to let him know he wanted to stand up. Taehyung shifted, although confused, to the side, whereas Hoseok did the same.

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