002 - Piercings and Marvel

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Warnings: n/a

It was afternoon; Yoongi just went home from school. It had been hot today, and he hated himself for having all those tattoos. He went into the shower and relaxed as the cold water ran down his body. He was scared the first drops would evaporate because he felt that hot.

Afterward, he pulled on a tank top and his typical black jeans, and he finally put his piercings back in. He didn't have that many, he really didn't, but his snakebites were the most precious to him.

He looked at himself in the mirror and couldn't help but chuckle. He should've played Mrs. Doubtfire. He was just as good at leading two lives at once.

He was about to go out, but then his phone vibrated. He sighed and picked it up from the countertop, only to see an unknown number on his screen.

Hey Yoongi, this is Taehyung.
I was wondering if you maybe
have time to work on the project

Uhm, sure, when and where?

He was debating whether or not to wear a turtleneck again because he really had to keep his cover, but he also didn't want to shower again. Yes, he could show his true self, but then all his past efforts would be for nothing.

At my house? If that's ok

Yeah sure. When?

Maybe at 6?

Yoongi had to think about it. Sure, he rarely got a good night's sleep, but that was an aspect his job just brought with it. And he couldn't just 'cancel' it; the things he does had to be done. Maybe he could convince Namjoon to cover for him.

He called said friend, who picked up with a raspy 'hello'.

"Hey Joonie, can I ask you a favor?" The blonde said, walking out of his small bathroom into the not significantly bigger living room.

"What is it? Must be important since you rarely ask others for help," Namjoon replied, and Yoongi could hear that he was grinning.

"It's a stupid high school assignment with my partner. He asked me to meet this evening so we can decide the topic. Can you cover for me?" Yoongi said, tugging at one of his lip rings with his teeth.

"Sure. I had to ask Hoseok to cover for me last year at least once a week since I wanted to graduate properly. I can't believe you're still in high school though. You're older than me," he snickered.

"I had to change schools and went to juvenile prison. Because of Wooseok." Yoongi growled, clearly remembering how police basically busted down the door of his apartment and detained him.

"Oh yeah, right. Anyway, good luck with the project. I'll see you tomorrow?" The last part was more a question than a statement, but Yoongi grinned. "Sure thing. Saturday's are for the boys, remember?" Yoongi mocked and Namjoon laughed, eventually ending the call.

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